Administering : Setting up workspaces : Updating a workspace
Updating a workspace
You can export a workspace by using the Selective export option, and use the generated .fpz file to update a workspace.
About this task
Update workspace utility is used when a target workspace is created out of a source workspace, and you want to update the target workspace with the source workspace. To update a workspace, you must be a global administrator or have the Workspace permission. The source and target workspace must belong to Focal Point 6.6.1 or higher. As the server uses many resources to update workspaces, update the workspace when as few users as possible are logged in.
Note The changes caused by updating a workspace cannot be rolled back. Backup the database before updating a workspace.
1 Click the Workspaces menu, and select View All.
Alternatively, select Administration from the User menu, and then click General, and then, Workspaces. The My Workspaces page is displayed.
2 Click the Actions menu corresponding to the workspace to be updated.
3 Select Update Workspace. The Update Workspace window is displayed.
4 Click Browse and locate the .fpz file that has the source workspace data.
5 To restrict source workspace data from updating the integration artifacts in the target workspace, select Skip Compare and Update of Workspace for Integration Artifacts.
The list of applications registered as Friends (Inbound) or Consumers (Outbound), association Link types, workspace associations, integration link attribute setup, and the integration link attribute configuration in Member module are not updated if this option is selected. For example, select this option if you do not want to update the integration data in your target workspace in the production environment with the test data from a source workspace in the evaluation environment.
6 To restrict the source home page settings data from comparing and updating the home page settings in the target workspace, select Skip Compare and Update of My Home attribute of Members module.
By default, this option is selected, and the home page setting specified in the Members module in the target workspace is not compared or updated with the home page settings of the source workspace.
7 Select an update option:
Note The changes caused by updating a workspace cannot be rolled back. Backup the database before updating a workspace.
Starts updating the target workspace with the selected source workspace data.
This option does not compare the source workspace with the target workspace.
Compare and Update
Compares the incoming changes in the source workspace with the target workspace.
A workspace comparison report is displayed. The report highlights the incoming changes in the source workspace as compared with the target workspace by using different colors. Views and filters with element references are also highlighted with a unique color. The element references are not updated automatically when you update the workspace.
You can download the report by clicking the download link.
Click Update to start updating the workspace.
8 A message is displayed to confirm that you have a backup of the database. Click OK to start updating the workspace.
After the workspace is updated, a workspace link is displayed. Click the link to open the updated workspace.
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Setting up workspaces