Administering : Working with SQL commands : SQL commands
SQL commands
As an administrator, you can update the following project settings by using SQL commands.
Focal Point 6.6 and later uses a new algorithm to render the bubble size in XY charts. To use the old algorithm to view the XY charts, disable the project setting.
SQL command
update projectsetting
set value='false'
where name=''
By default, the Lucene search in Focal Point uses a database as the predefined search store. In Focal Point and later, filesystems can be used as the Lucene search store.
To switch to a filesystem as the Lucene search store, update the project setting and restart the server. The workspace is automatically reindexed, and the Search functionality can be used after the workspace indexing is complete.
To roll back to using a database as the Lucene search store, update the project setting, restart the server, and manually re‑index all the workspaces.
SQL command
To specify a filesystem as the Lucene search store, run this SQL command:
INSERT INTO projectsetting (pid,name,value)
VALUES (-2, '','Valid_Directory_with_writeAccess')
Restart the server after executing the SQL command.
To roll back to using a database as the search store, run this SQL command:
UPDATE projectsetting
WHERE pid=-2 AND name=''
Restart the server after executing the SQL command, and then manually re‑index all the workspaces.
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Working with SQL commands