Extending product function : Setting up the IT portfolio management workspace : Template structure : Views in IT portfolio management
Views in IT portfolio management
The IT portfolio management workspace has predefined views that are based on roles.
Each role has these subfolders:
General Access Views
You need this view to open links. This view is not visible from the menu.
Homepage Views
Use this view to create the home page for a role.
Add Views
Use this view to add elements.
Display Views
Use this view to display elements.
Prioritize/Visualize Views
Use this view to prioritize or visualize elements.
All roles in the All Members/System Views folder can use these views:
Report Views
Use this view for reports.
For Link Attributes
Use this view to limit the elements to be selected in Link attributes.
Notification Watch/Recipient Views
Use this view to manage notifications.
Criteria Views
Use this view to select criteria to use in the prioritize and visualize views.
Integration Views
Use this view to integrate with other tools, such as IBM Rational System Architect.
Adding new views
In addition to the predefined views, you can add new views that are based on roles. Before you add a view, determine the roles that will access the view.
If the view is accessed by only one role, create the view in the subfolder for that role.
If the view is accessed by more than one role, create a view for each role and place the views in the corresponding subfolders.
If the view is accessed by all members, create the view in the appropriate subfolder in the All Members/System Views folder.
If the view is accessed by only certain people, create a folder in the View structure and place all views that are assigned to individuals.
After you create the view, you can click the Share View button, and then assign the view to the roles or users.
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