Extending product function : Setting up the IT portfolio management workspace : Troubleshooting the IT portfolio management workspace : Updating the SetChoice business rule
Updating the SetChoice business rule
The SetChoice-Priority attribute in the Risks module uses the SetChoice business rule. If there is an issue with the expression, the business rules might not be updated. You need to update the predefined SetChoice business rule in the IT portfolio management workspace.
1 Click Configure > Attributes > Risks.
2 Hover the mouse pointer over the Priority attribute. Note the ID number of the attribute, which is displayed in parentheses in the status bar of the web browser.
3 Select the Priority attribute.
4 In the Items field, select Click here to add and edit choice items.
5 Hover the mouse pointer over High, Medium, and Low items. Note the ID number for each item: they are displayed in parentheses in the status bar of the web browser.
6 Click Configure > Attributes > Risks > SetChoice-Priority.
7 Update the IDs in the business rule with the IDs that you noted. The default value is as follows:
=SetChoice("438","303","true","303_1","304_2","305_3",'SetChoice Helper')
438 with the attribute ID of the Priority attribute in the Risks module
303 with the choice item ID for 1 – High in the Priority attribute
304 with the choice item ID for 2 – Medium in the Priority attribute
305 with the choice item ID for 3 – Low in the Priority attribute.
8 Click Copy default value to all elements, and then click OK.
The business rule is updated.
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Troubleshooting the IT portfolio management workspace