Extending product function : Setting up the IT portfolio management workspace : Setting up the IT portfolio management workspace template : Integrating with IBM Rational products : Setting up integration attributes
Setting up integration attributes
After a project with the required business needs is finalized in Focal Point, you can export the project to a Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) system for project execution. When you export a project to a CLM system, a project area is created, and work items are created for each business need. You can synchronize with the CLM system at regular intervals to view the project status.
Before you begin
Set up the integration with the Jazz Team Server.
To configure the integration attributes to export projects
1 Connect to a server:
In Focal Point, click Configure > OSLC view commands.
Click Add view command.
Select the Approved Projects view.
Click Command, and then click Publish project to the Jazz server.
Click Add view.
Select the Projects Approved for Implementation view.
Click Command, and then click Publish project to the Jazz server.
2 Configure the integration attributes and the corresponding aliases for the project.
3 Optional: You can also configure integration attributes for business needs. The business needs can be in different modules, and you can complete the steps in this topic for each module.
For more information, see Setting up the integration for Focal Point and Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management applications.
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Integrating with IBM Rational products