Extending product function : Setting up the product portfolio management workspace : Deploying product portfolio management workspace template : Dependencies : Products dependencies
Products dependencies
In the Products module, different products have dependencies. This module also has dependencies to other modules.
='Portfolio' + ":" + 'Product Name'
In this attribute, the expression is not present in the default value. You can find the default value in the Add view for Products by clicking Configure > Views > Product Proposal. The default value that is an expression that only exists in the Add view for product proposals is not present in the Add view for competitor products. This is to avoid triggering the expression when adding competitor products.
The values of the Product Name and Portfolio attributes in the Products module combine to form the title.
The dependency is on the Product Portfolio and Product Name attributes in the Products module.
Product Name
Used by the Title attribute in the Products module.
Used by the Title attribute in the Products module.
Used by the Related Product Details, Product Financial Information Threshold, and Total NPV attributes in the Portfolios module.
Product Manager
Used by the Related Product Details attribute in the Portfolios module.
Lifecycle Phase
Used by these attributes:
the Related Product Details attribute in the Portfolios module
the Product Info attribute in the Market Plans module
Related Ideas
=LinkInfo("Ideas",",Business Mechanism,Implementation,Strategic Objectives","21")
Three attributes in the Ideas module that are related to the product are displayed.
This attribute depends on these attributes:
Ideas in the Products module
Business Mechanism in the Ideas module
Implementation in the Ideas module
Strategic Objectives in the Ideas module
Related Projects
=LinkInfo("Projects","Status,Project Manager,Budgeted Effort,Estimated Effort, Actual Effort,Time Threshold","21")
Six attributes in the Projects module that are related to the product are displayed.
This attribute depends on the following attributes:
Projects in the Products module
Status in the Projects module
Project Manager in the Projects module
Budgeted Effort in the Projects module
Estimated Effort in the Projects module
Actual Effort in the Projects module
Time Threshold in the Projects module
Used by the MatrixWriter for Markets attribute in the Products module.
Market Share
Used by the following attributes:
the LinkListAttributeSum Market Size attribute in the Products module
the Product Info attribute in the Market Plans module
Risk of Commercial Failure
Used by the Total Risk Score attribute in the Products module.
Risk of Technical Failure
Used by the Total Risk Score attribute in the Products module.
Risk of Schedule Delay
Used by the Total Risk Score attribute in the Products module.
Organizational Risk
Used by the Total Risk Score attribute in the Products module.
Used by the Total Risk Score attribute in the Products module.
Total Risk Score
='Risk of Commercial Failure' + 'Risk of Technical Failure' + 'Risk of Schedule Delay' + 'Organizational Risk' + 'Complexity'
The value of five choice attributes in the Products module is summed.
This attribute depends on the following attributes in the Products module:
Risk of Commercial Failure
Risk of Technical Failure
Risk of Schedule Delay
Organizational Risk
Competing Products
Used by the following attributes:
the MatrixWriter business rule in the MatrixWriter for Competitor Advantage attribute in the Products module, in order to create the Competitor Product Advantages matrix
the Number of Competing Products attribute in the Products module.
Number of Competitors Covering the Market
=LinkListAttributeSum("Competing Products","List Size","listen_to=List Size",'Competing Products')
The number of links in the Competing Products attribute is calculated.
This attribute depends on the following attributes in the Products module:
List Size
Competing Products
Used by the MatrixWriter business rule in the MatrixWriter for Competitor Advantage attribute in the Products module.
The attributes work together to create the Competitor Product Advantages matrix.
Used by the MatrixWriter business rule in the MatrixWriter for Competitor Advantage attribute in the Products module.
The attributes work together to create the Competitor Product Advantages matrix.
Used by the MatrixWriter business rule in the MatrixWriter for Competitor Advantage attribute in the Products module.
The attributes work together to create the Competitor Product Advantages matrix.
Used by the MatrixWriter business rule in the MatrixWriter for Competitor Advantage attribute in the Products module.
These attributes work together to create the Competitor Product Advantages matrix.
Used by the MatrixWriter business rule in the MatrixWriter for Competitor Advantage attribute in the Products module.
The attributes work together to create the Competitor Product Advantages matrix.
Total Score Product Advantage
='Price' + 'Design' + 'Quality' + 'Durability' + 'Safety'
The value of five choice attributes in Products module is summed.
This value is used by the MatrixWriter business rule in the MatrixWriter for Competitor Advantage attribute in the Products module to create the Competitor Product Advantages matrix.
Competitor Product Advantages
This attribute is populated by the MatrixWriter for Competitor Advantages attribute in the Products module.
=round(('Net Present Value of Acc Revenue/Cost(F1)' - 'Net Present Value of Acc Revenue/Cost(F2)') /1000 ) x 1000
The difference between cell F1 and F2 in the Net Present Value of Acc Revenue/Cost attribute is calculated and rounded to thousands.
The NPV depends on the Net Present Value of Acc Revenue/Cost attribute in the Products module. The NPV is used by the Total NPV attribute in Portfolios module.
NPV for Portfolio
This attribute mirrors the value in the Total NPV attribute in the Portfolios module.
Threshold Actual vs Target Revenue
An indicator is displayed when the actual revenue is lower than target revenue. If the difference is greater than 20%, a red light is displayed. If the difference is between 10 and 20%, a yellow light is displayed. If the difference is less than 10%, a green light is displayed.
This attribute depends on the calculation in the Min Difference Revenue attribute in the Products module.
This attribute is used by the Product Financial Information Threshold attribute in the Portfolios module.
Threshold Actual vs Estimated Cost
An indicator is displayed when the actual cost is higher than the target cost. If the difference is greater than 20%, a red light is displayed. If the difference is between 10 and 20%, a yellow light is displayed. If the difference is less than 10%, a green light is displayed.
This attribute depends on the calculation in the Max Difference Cost attribute in the Products module.
This attribute is used by the Product Financial Information Threshold attribute in the Portfolios module.
='Net Present Value of Acc Revenue/Cost(F1)' / 'Net Present Value of Acc Revenue/Cost(F2)' x 100
This attribute contains the quotient of F1 divided by F2 from Products > Net Present Value of Acc Revenue/Cost, multiplied with 100 to display the value in percentage.
This attribute depends on the calculations in the Net Present Value of Acc Revenue/Cost attribute in the Products module.
Actual vs Target Revenue
Expressions from cell A1 to E5:
Cell A1:
='Actual Revenue(A1)' =0 ? 0: 'Actual Revenue(A1)' - 'Target Revenue(A1)'
Cell A2:
='Actual Revenue(A2)' =0 ? 0: 'Actual Revenue(A2)' - 'Target Revenue(A2)'
and so on.
Expressions from cell F1 to F5:
=Sum('Actual vs Target Revenue(A1:E1)')
=Sum('Actual vs Target Revenue(A2:E2)')
and so on.
This attribute calculates the difference between the actual and target revenue in the Target Revenue and Actual Revenue attributes. The last row and last column contain the sums of the rows and columns. If no values are entered, 0 is displayed.
This attribute depends on these attributes in the Products module:
Target Revenue
Actual Revenue
Actual vs Estimated Costs
Expressions from cell A1 to E5:
='Actual Costs(A1)' =0 ? 0: 'Actual Costs(A1)' - 'Estimated Costs(A1)'
='Actual Costs(A2)' =0 ? 0: 'Actual Costs(A2)' - 'Estimated Costs(A2)'
and so on.
Expressions from cell F1 to F5:
=Sum('Actual vs Estimated Costs(A1:E1)')
=Sum('Actual vs Estimated Costs(A2:E2)')
and so on.
The difference between the actual and estimated cost in the Estimated Costs and Actual Costs attributes is calculated. The last row and last column contain the sums of the rows and columns. If values are not entered, 0 is displayed.
This attribute depends on the Products module attributes:
Actual Costs
Estimated Costs
Yearly Total Estimated Result
Expressions from cell A1 to E1:
='Target Revenue(A5)'
='Target Revenue(B5)'
and so on.Expressions from cell A2 to E2:
='Estimated Costs(A5)'
='Estimated Costs(B5)'
and so on.
Expressions from cell A3 to E3:
='Yearly Total Estimated Result(A1)' - 'Yearly Total Estimated Result(A2)'
='Yearly Total Estimated Result(B1)' - 'Yearly Total Estimated Result(B2)'
Expressions in column F:
Cell F1:
=Sum('Yearly Total Estimated Result(A1:E1)')
Cell F2:
=Sum('Yearly Total Estimated Result(A2:E2)')
Cell F3:
=Sum('Yearly Total Estimated Result(A3:E3)')
The cell values in the Target Revenue and Estimated Costs attributes are copied. Then, the estimated results per year are calculated and the rows in the final column are summed.
This attribute depends on these attributes in the Products module:
Target Revenue
Estimated Costs
Estimated Project Effort
=LinkListAttributeSum("Planned and Ongoing Projects","Estimated Effort","listen_to=Estimated Effort",'Planned and Ongoing Projects')
The sum of the estimated effort in the related business needs for planned and ongoing projects is calculated.
This attribute depends on the Estimated Effort attribute in the Projects module.
Actual Project Effort
=LinkListAttributeSum("Planned and Ongoing Projects","Actual Effort","listen_to=Actual Effort",'Planned and Ongoing Projects')
The sum of the actual effort in the related business needs for planned and ongoing projects is calculated.
This attribute depends on the Actual Effort attributes in the Projects module.
Yearly Total Actual Result
Expressions from cell A1 to E1:
='Actual Revenue(A5)'
='Actual Revenue(B5)'
and so on.
Expressions from cell A2 to E2:
='Actual Costs(A5)'
='Actual Costs(B5)'
and so on.
Expressions from cell A3 to E3:
='Yearly Total Actual Result(A1)' - 'Yearly Total Actual Result(A2)'
='Yearly Total Actual Result(B1)' - 'Yearly Total Actual Result(B2)'
and so on Expressions in column F:
Cell F1:
='Yearly Total Actual Result(A1)' + 'Yearly Total Actual Result(B1)' + 'Yearly Total Actual Result(C1)' + 'Yearly Total Actual Result(D1)' + 'Yearly Total Actual Result(E1)'
Cell F2:
='Yearly Total Actual Result(A2)' + 'Yearly Total Actual Result(B2)' + 'Yearly Total Actual Result(C2)' + 'Yearly Total Actual Result(D2)' + 'Yearly Total Actual Result(E2)'
Cell F3:
='Yearly Total Actual Result(F1)' - 'Yearly Total Actual Result(F2)'
Copies the cell values in the Actual Revenue and Actual Costs attributes. Calculates the actual results per year and sums the rows in the final column.
This attribute depends on these attributes in the Products module: Actual Revenue, Actual Costs, and Net Present Value of Acc Revenue/Cost.
Net Present Value of Acc Revenue/Cost
Expressions in row 1:
Cell B1:
='Yearly Total Estimated Result(A1)' x 'Supporting Module!Internal Rate!Float'
Cell C1:
='Net Present Value of Acc Revenue/Cost(B1)' + 'Yearly Total Estimated Result(B1)' x ('Supporting Module!Internal Rate!Float' **2 )
Cell D1:
='Net Present Value of Acc Revenue/Cost(C1)' + 'Yearly Total Estimated Result(C1)' x ('Supporting Module!Internal Rate!Float' **3 )
Cell E1:
='Net Present Value of Acc Revenue/Cost(D1)' + 'Yearly Total Estimated Result(D1)' x ('Supporting Module!Internal Rate!Float' **4 )
Cell F1:
='Net Present Value of Acc Revenue/Cost(E1)' + 'Yearly Total Estimated Result(E1)' x ('Supporting Module!Internal Rate!Float' **5 )
Expressions in row 2:
Cell B2:
='Yearly Total Estimated Result(A2)' x 'Supporting Module!Internal Rate!Float'
Cell C2:
='Net Present Value of Acc Revenue/Cost(B2)' + 'Yearly Total Estimated Result(B2)' x ('Supporting Module!Internal Rate!Float' **2 )
Cell D2:
='Net Present Value of Acc Revenue/Cost(C2)' + 'Yearly Total Estimated Result(C2)' x ('Supporting Module!Internal Rate!Float' **3 )
Cell E2:
='Net Present Value of Acc Revenue/Cost(D2)' + 'Yearly Total Estimated Result(D2)' x ('Supporting Module!Internal Rate!Float' **4 )
Cell F2:
='Net Present Value of Acc Revenue/Cost(E2)' + 'Yearly Total Estimated Result(E2)' x ('Supporting Module!Internal Rate!Float' **5 )
Calculates the Net Present Value per year.
This attribute depends on these attributes:
Values in Yearly Total Estimated Result attribute in the Products module
The value in Float attribute in Internal Rate element in the Supporting Module module
This attribute is used by these criteria:
The NPV Acc Revenue criterion in the Criteria module
The NPV Acc Cost criterion in the Criteria module
List Size
List Size is a helper attribute that supports the calculation of the Number of Competitors Covering the Market attribute in the Products module.
MatrixWriter for Competitor Advantages
=MatrixWriter("Competing Products","Competitor Product Advantages","6","false","listen_to=Price","listen_to=Design","listen_to=Quality ","listen_to=Durability","listen_to=Safety","listen_to=Total Score Product Advantage",'Competing Products')
Six values (5 choice values and 1 expression sum value in a text attribute) from each related competitor product in a matrix in the Competitor Product Advantages attribute is written.
This attribute depends on these attributes in Products module:
Competing Products
Competitor Product Advantages
Total Score Product Advantage
MatrixWriter for Markets
=MatrixWriter("Market Share","Markets","1","false","listen_to=Market Revenue ($k)","listen_to=Market Size ($k)",'Market Share')
Two values (1 integer that contains an expression and 1 mirror) from each related market share in a matrix in a Markets attribute is written.
This attribute depends on these attributes:
Market Share in the Products module
Markets in the Products module
Market Revenue ($k) in the Market Shares module
Market Size ($k) in the Market Shares module
Difference % Actual vs Target Revenue
=(('Actual Revenue(A5)' / 'Target Revenue(A5)') >0 ) ? ('Actual Revenue(A5)' / 'Target Revenue(A5)') :1
=(('Actual Revenue(B5)' / 'Target Revenue(B5)') >0 ) ? ('Actual Revenue(B5)' / 'Target Revenue(B5)') :1
The difference between actual and target revenue is calculated in percentages. The actual revenue is divided by the target revenue per year. A helper attribute is used to provide a threshold for the revenue.
This attribute depends on these attributes in Products module:
Actual Revenue
Target Revenue
This attribute is used by the Min Difference Revenue attribute in the Products module.
Min Difference Revenue
=1- Min('Difference % Actual vs Target Revenue(A1)','Difference % Actual vs Target Revenue(B1)','Difference % Actual vs Target Revenue(C1)','Difference % Actual vs Target Revenue(D1)','Difference % Actual vs Target Revenue(E1)')
A helper attribute that scans for Difference % Actual vs Target Revenue attribute. The minimum value is returned.
This attribute depends on the Difference % Actual vs Target Revenue attribute in the Products module.
This attribute is used by the Threshold Actual vs Target Revenue attribute in the Products module.
Difference % Actual vs Estimated Cost
=(('Actual Costs(A5)' / 'Estimated Costs(A5)') >0 ) ? ('Actual Costs(A5)' / 'Estimated Costs(A5)') :1
=(('Actual Costs(B5)' / 'Estimated Costs(B5)') >0 ) ? ('Actual Costs(B5)' / 'Estimated Costs(B5)') :1 and so on.
The difference between the actual and estimated cost is calculated in percentages. The actual cost is divided by the estimated cost per year. A helper attribute is used to provide a threshold for the cost.
This attribute depends on these attributes in the Products module.
Actual Costs
Estimated Costs
This attribute is used by the Max Difference Cost attribute in the Products module.
Max Difference Cost
=Max('Difference % Actual vs Estimated Cost(A1)','Difference % Actual vs Estimated Cost(B1)','Difference % Actual vs Estimated Cost(C1)','Difference % Actual vs Estimated Cost(D1)','Difference % Actual vs Estimated Cost(E1)')
A helper attribute that is used for the Difference % Actual vs Estimated Cost attribute in the Products module. The minimum value is returned.
This attribute depends on the Difference % Actual vs Estimated Cost attribute in the Products module.
This attribute is used by the Threshold Actual vs Estimated Cost attribute in the Products module.
LinkListAttributeSum Market Size
=LinkListAttributeSum("Market Share"," Market Revenue ($k) ","listen_to= Market Revenue ($k) ",'Market Share')
This attribute contains the number of market share links in the Market Share attribute in the Products module. This attribute is a helper attribute that you can use to aggregate the total market size for a product.
This attribute depends on these attributes:
The Market Share attribute in the Products module
The Market Revenue ($k) attribute in the Market Shares module
The Market Size criterion in the Criteria module
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