Extending product function : Setting up the product portfolio management workspace : Deploying product portfolio management workspace template : Dependencies : Projects dependencies
Projects dependencies
Dependencies exist within the Projects module and between the module and other modules in the workspace.
Used by the Related Projects attribute in the Products module
Project Manager
Used by the Related Projects attribute in the Products module
Business Needs
Used by these attributes:
the Estimated Effort attribute in the Projects module
the Actual Effort attribute in the Projects module
Budgeted Effort
Used by these attributes:
the LinkInfo business rule in the Related Projects attribute in the Products module
the Related Projects attribute in the Products module
Estimated Effort
Used by these attributes:
the Related Projects attribute in the Products module
the Difference attribute in the Projects module
Actual Effort
Used by these attributes:
the Related Projects attribute in the Products module
the Difference attribute in the Projects module
Time Threshold
Used by these attributes:
the Related Projects attribute in the Products module
the SetChoice attribute in the Projects module
='Actual Effort' - 'Estimated Effort' <60?1: ('Actual Effort' - 'Estimated Effort' >120?3:2 )
The difference between the actual and estimated effort of the project is calculated. If the difference is lower than 60, the result is 1. If the difference is between 60 and 120, the result is 2. If the difference is higher than 120, the result is 3.
This attribute depends on these attributes in Projects module:
Actual Project Effort
Estimated Project Effort
This attribute is used by the SetChoice attribute in the Projects module.
Depending on the values in the Difference attribute, the Time Threshold attribute is set to green, yellow, or red. If the value is 1, set the attribute to green. If the value is 2, set the attribute to yellow. If the value is 3, set the attribute to red.
This attribute depends on these attributes in the Projects module:
Time Threshold
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