Integrating : Integrating with applications that support REST XML APIs : Deleting artifacts in the application by using Focal Point
Deleting artifacts in the application by using Focal Point
You can delete those artifacts that are no longer needed in the application, by using Focal Point.
Before you begin
Add the application as an outbound friend in Focal Point. For more information, see Connecting to the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management application server.
Make sure that the content of the application that supports REST APIs is in the XML format.
Be aware of the XML structure of the application artifacts and have the rights to access them.
About this task
When you delete the artifacts, the URL stored in the Choose URL Attribute to REST Artifact attribute is also deleted.
1 In Focal Point, open the workspace.
2 Click the Settings icon Settings icon and then, from the Configure group, click REST client view command. Click Add view command.
3 Select a view where you want to add the view command.
4 In REST Client Command Configuration section, complete these steps:
In REST Client Connector Name, type a name to identify the connection.
In REST Request Method, select the DELETE method. For information about using each method, see Supported methods to manage resources.
In Friends List, select the application that you added as a friend to Focal Point.
In Choose URL Attribute to REST Artifact, click Select, and select an attribute. This attribute stores the URL of the artifact that is in the application.
5 To map the IDs of the attributes between Focal Point and the application, in the Request Parameter Table section, click Add, and select a Focal Point attribute. Type the ID of the application in the Key column. For example, if you select Project ID for Focal Point, in the Key column, type the ID that is used for the project ID in the application.
6 In the Request Header Mapping section, click Add, and type the name and value of the header. For the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management applications, the headers are as follows:
Header name
Header value
7 Click Save.
8 In the Display menu, click a view.
9 To delete all the artifacts, from the view toolbar click the dropdown list and select the DELETE view command and then click the Go icon Go.
10 To delete one artifact, from the artifact toolbar select the DELETE view command and then click the Go icon Go.
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Integrating with applications that support REST XML APIs