Overview : Getting started : Access rights for user-member combinations
Access rights for user-member combinations
Depending on your user type and member access, you can access certain workspaces and menus and complete different tasks. The following table shows the access that is available when user types have certain member access rights.
User type
Member access
Regular user
Regular member
Your access depends on the views in the workspace.
Regular user
Workspace administrator
With this combination, you are an administrator in this workspace, but not necessarily in other workspaces. You can configure the workspace and add members from the list of users in the database.
Regular user
With this combination, you have read-only access in the workspace no matter how the views you have access to are configured.
Global administrator
Regular member
You can add users and configure the installation. Your access depends on the views in this workspace and you do not have administration rights in the workspace.
Global administrator
Workspace administrator
This is the highest access combination. You can add users and configure the installation. You can also configure the workspace and add members to it.
Global administrator
You can add users and configure the installation, but you have read-only access in this workspace no matter how the views that you have access to are configured.
Team user
Regular member
Your access depends on the views in the workspaces. You cannot use the Gantt chart or the Prioritization and Visualization features.
Team user
Workspace administrator
With this combination, you are an administrator in this workspace, but not necessarily in other workspaces. You can configure the workspace and add members from the list of users in the database. You cannot use the Gantt chart or the Prioritization and Visualization features.
Team user
You have read-only access in this workspace no matter how the views that you have access to are configured. You cannot use the Gantt chart or the Prioritization and Visualization features.
Regular member
You can add elements and edit the elements that you have created, but you cannot edit multiple elements. You cannot edit other elements regardless of view access.
Workspace administrator
A stakeholder can create workspace if workspace administration permission is granted.
You have read-only access in this workspace no matter how the views that you have access to are configured.
Related topics
User types and access levels
Workflow: User types and tasks
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Getting started