Overview : Getting started : User interface overview : Main menu
Main menu
All of the actions that you have access to are available in the main menu bar.
Main menu bar
Depending upon your permissions, what you see on the menu might vary. The options contained in each of these menu items are detailed below.
Shows all of the workspaces that you have access to, the workspaces that you accessed recently, and those that you tagged as favorites. In the example picture below, the user has access to three workspaces, has recently accessed two of them, and marked one workspace as a favorite.
Shows all of the Add views that you have access to, the Add views that you accessed recently, and those that you tagged as favorites. In the example picture below, the user has access to the Add views of several modules, has recently accessed a few, and not marked any view as a favorite.
Add views
Shows all of the Display views that you have access to, the Display views that you accessed recently, and those that you tagged as favorites. In the example picture below, because the logged in user is an administrator, you also see a list of all views of all modules in the workspace.
Display views
Shows all of the Prioritize views that you have access to, the Prioritize views that you accessed recently, and those that you tagged as favorites. In the example picture below, the user has access to two Prioritize views, has recently accessed both, and not marked either as a favorite.
Prioritize views
Shows all of the Visualize views that you have access to, the Visualize views that you accessed recently, and those that you tagged as favorites. In the example picture below, the user has access to two Visualize views, has recently accessed both, and not marked either as a favorite.
Visualize views
User name
Shows the application home page, and the options for the home page, the user preferences, and the administrative tasks, as shown in the picture below.
Admin menu options
Clicking Home Page takes you directly to the welcome screen, which you can configure by clicking Home Page Settings. Options to specify your email address, change your password, and set the date and number format, UI language, calender type, content layout, paragraph direction, and other miscellaneous settings are available in Preferences. If you are an administrator, the options to manage the workspace and users, set up integration parameters, and manage other administrative artifacts such as business rules, are available in the Administration menu, which has a tabbed layout as shown in the picture below.
Administration tabbed layout
Shows the options for configuring the application artifacts, managing members, and advanced settings, as shown in the picture below.
Admin settings
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User interface overview