Troubleshooting : Collecting logs : Editing log properties
Editing log properties
The logging framework is built on the java.util.logging package. You can set log levels from SEVERE to FINEST: see Log levels.
Editing log properties in Apache Tomcat
1 Go to Tomcat installation directory/webapps/fp/WEB-INF/classes.
2 In the file, edit packages and log levels.
3 Optional: For the ehcache component logging, edit Tomcat installation directory/config/
4 To apply the new settings, restart the application server.
View the logs to verify the updated log properties. By default, the generated log files are in this directory: tomcat installation directory/logs
Editing log properties in WebSphere Application Server
1 Go to: WebSphere Application Server installation directory/profiles/servername/cellname/fp_war.ear/fp.war/WEB-INF/classes.
2 In the file, edit packages and log levels.
3 Optional: For the ehcache component logging, use WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console to change the log details levels for the net.sf.ehcache.* packages. Make sure that the server is running, and open WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console. Expand Troubleshooting, and then click Logs and trace.
4 To apply the new settings, restart the application server.
View the logs to verify the updated log properties. By default, the generated log files are in the following directory: WebSphere Application Server installation directory\profiles\servername\logs\
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Collecting logs