Tutorials : Analyzing investment using Focal Point : Introduction: Analyze investment using Focal Point
Introduction: Analyze investment using Focal Point
This tutorial contains information about the basic configuration to start using the Investment analysis feature in Focal Point. This tutorial will help you in creating a sample financial model based on your estimates.
In this tutorial, we will create a simple financial model for a project on developing a software for mobile phones. You perform the role of a project manager with a regular user access in Focal Point. You, as a project manager, are responsible for analyzing the financial acumen of the project. You will be performing a dynamic analysis on the cost, and benefit estimates in the project. You analyze the financial metrics of the projects and decide if the project is a feasible investment option that would provide optimal benefits over a period of time.
Learning objectives
In this tutorial, you will understand and learn to:
determine the cost, benefit and non-monetary parameters
configure the time grid attributes and output attributes
build a financial model
analyze the results of the financial model.
Time required
This tutorial should take approximately 110 minutes to finish. If you explore other concepts related to this tutorial, it could take longer to complete.
Skill level
This tutorial is intended for a regular user in Focal Point who is involved in project budget and decision panel. Typical roles: Product managers and Financial executives in development projects and portfolio management programs.
System requirements
You must have Focal Point 6.5.1 or later.
Modules in this tutorial
Module 1: Configure the financial model
This module describes how to configure a financial model. The lessons in this module describes the streams that must be considered, and attributes that must be configured before building a financial model. This module must be completed to use the Investment analysis component in Focal Point.
Module 2: Build a financial model
This module describes how to build a financial model using the sheets, streams and attributes that you created in module 1.
Module 3: Analyze the financial model results
This module describes how to analyze the financial metrics of the project, and decide if the project is a feasible investment option or not.
Module 1: Configure the financial model
Related topics
Investment analysis
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Analyzing investment using Focal Point