Managing products and portfolios : Setting up modules : Adding a module : Modules frame
Modules frame
When you select an item from the Modules menu, information about that item is displayed in the Modules frame.
The menu options are based on the current configuration, and your level of access. The example in this topic is based on the Product Management workspace template.
The Modules frame consists of these main areas:
1: Element Structure
The element structure area displays the structure and titles of the elements. To display the attribute values of an element, click the element. To access the element structure menu, make sure that at least one element is selected, and right click the element structure.
2: Attribute List
The attribute list displays the attributes and values of the selected element in the element structure.
3: Context Settings
Do this
add a new element to the element structure
Click Add element, where element is the name of the type of element to add.
add a new folder to the element structure
Click Add Folder.
turn the selected element into a folder
Click Turn into Folder.
turn the selected folder into an element
Click Turn into Element.
This option is available only for empty folders.
import new elements from a Microsoft Excel sheet
Click Import.
Related topics
Exporting a module
Importing a module
Importing and updating elements as an administrator
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Adding a module