Attribute | Description |
Name | Name of the module. The module name is visible in the attribute list for all the elements. |
Add Button Name | Name to be displayed on the Add button that can be used to add elements to this module. |
Description | Description of the module. |
Position in Module List | Position where the module is to be listed in the Modules menu. |
Prefix Attribute | Text that is to be displayed before the title of the element in the tree structure and in the charts. You can choose one of these types of attributes: Text, Unique ID, Integer, Float, or Choice. If you do not want to specify a prefix, select None. |
Icon Attribute | Icon that is to be displayed to the left of the elements in the tree structure. You can choose any of the choice attribute, indicator attribute or link attribute in the module as icon attribute. If you select None, the default icon is displayed. |
Color Attribute | Color that is to be displayed to the left of the elements in the tree structure. The color is also displayed in the editable table towards the left of the checkbox in the Select/Deselect all column in the table. You can choose any choice attribute or indicator attribute in the module as a color attribute. If you select None, no color is displayed. Note: This field is displayed only when you edit a module, and not when you create a module. |
Sort Attribute | Attribute by which to sort the elements in the module. You can select from these types of attributes: Text, Unique ID, Integer, Float, Choice, Check Box, and Date, Created Date, and Last Changed Date. If you sort elements by a Choice attribute, you can sort either based on the order of the choice items or in alphabetical order, which is the default. If you sort the elements by a Unique ID attribute, the elements are sorted as text and not integers. For example, they are sorted as: 001, 010, 011, 012, 002, 020, 003 and not: 001, 002, 003, 010, 011, 012, 020 If two or more elements have the same value for the sort attributes, they are sorted according to the unique ID of the elements. Note: If you specify a sort attribute, you cannot rearrange elements within a folder. You can drag elements only from one folder to another. |
Display Folder Icons | Check box to select to display the standard folder icon for folders. If the check box is cleared, the selected icon attribute or the default icon for the module is displayed as icon for folders. |
Default Icon | A default icon for the module is displayed. This is the icon that is displayed to the left of the elements in the tree structure. To change the default icon, click the arrow and select from the available list of icons. |
May Be Configured By | The workspace administrators who can access the module and set up the attributes for the module. If you do not select any member, all of the workspace administrators can modify the module. |
Disable Delete | Check box to select to disable the Delete buttons in the modules, tree views, and in the windows and the menus of the elements. When the Delete buttons are disabled, the elements in the module cannot be removed from the database. |
Hide Add Views in Menu | Check box to select to hide all of the Add Views that adds elements to this module from the navigation bar. You can add elements from Display views by using the Add button. |
Hide Module | Check box to select to prevent the listing of the module in the Modules menu. This setting affects the list of modules that are visible to administrators when they create views and link elements. |
Origin Link Attribute | Link attribute to use when workspace users copy elements by using the Create Element From option. Note: This field is displayed only when you edit a module, and not when you create a module. |
Add to Other Modules | You can create elements from one module in another module. For example, assume that you want to use the Requirements module to create both requirements, and also bugs, where the bugs are elements of the Bugs module. To be able to create bugs from the Requirements module, select the Bugs check box. From the Set/Add Link lists, select the link with which to automatically connect the modules. Note: This field is displayed only when you edit a module, and not when you create a module. The Add to Other Modules feature overrides link targets. The value in the Set/Add Link field overrides the constraints that are set by view access, the Lock attribute, and the Allowed Modules for the attribute. When you link modules by using the Add to Other Modules feature, an Add button for the element is displayed in both the modules. To place Add buttons in views, you must have an Add view for each module to add elements to. You cannot use this feature for the Views and Criteria pages in the Criteria menu or for these modules: Saved Charts, Saved Plans, Baselines. |
Alias | Alias to use instead of the Focal Point IDs when you integrate with other tools by using Web Services 2.0. The default alias is an auto-generated random Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). You can change the alias, but it must be unique. |
Class URI | A unique URI of a valid RDF type class. The Focal Point RDF representation uses this URI as the type for all the elements that belong to the module. For example, you can use the ChangeRequest resource, a resource specified by OSLC, to define your module URI The URI is taken from OSLC CM specification. By default, the generation of these RDF vocabulary URIs is based on the workspace, module and attribute IDs. |
XML Namespace | XML namespace URI for the module. XML namespace is used by REST or XML to generate the XML representation of elements that belong to the module. |
Preview View | The view of this module that is to be previewed during rich hover from integrated OSLC applications such as Rational DOORS Next Generation, IBM Rational Team Concert, and IBM Rational Quality Manager. |
Update to TRS | Click this push button to update the TRS table with the changes made to the class URI or Property URI of the module. This feature is available only in Focal Point and later. |