Data Model > Accessing the UNICOM Intelligence Data Model > Working with the Metadata Model > MDM custom properties > Working with card and column definitions > Setting up card and column definitions using the Metadata Model to Quantum component
Setting up card and column definitions using the Metadata Model to Quantum component
The Metadata Model to Quantum Component makes it easier to allocate card, column, and punch definitions programmatically; for example, in a DataManagementScript (DMS) file. For detailed documentation of all of the properties and methods of the Metadata Model to Quantum Component, see Metadata Model to Quantum component.
This section contains two mrScriptBasic examples that illustrate using the Metadata Model to Quantum Component to set up the card, column, and punch custom properties:
Using standard Quantum settings
Clearing old definitions and reallocating
The examples are installed with the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library as sample mrScriptBasic (.mrs) files called MDM2Quantum.mrs and MDM2QuantumClearAndAllocate.mrs. For more information, see Sample mrScriptBasic files.
To run the mrScriptBasic samples
1 Open a Command Prompt. For example, on Windows 2000, from the Windows Start menu, choose Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt
2 Change to the folder in which the samples are stored. Typically this is the [INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\DDL\Scripts\General\mrScriptBasic folder.
3 Type mrscriptcl followed by the name of the sample file followed by any other option you require. For example:
mrscriptcl MDM2Quantum.mrs /v
The /v option displays the variables used in the script and their values when the script exits. This means you can check the value of the ErrorText and VersionError variables to see whether there were any errors. For more information, see mrScript Command Line Runner.
See also
Card, column, and punch definitions
Setting card, column, and punch values directly
Creating an Quantum specification using a script
I have used Metadata Model to Quantum to set up custom properties, but I can't see them when I look in MDM Explorer. Where are they and why can't I see them?
Working with card and column definitions