Data Model > Accessing the UNICOM Intelligence Data Model > Working with the Case Data Model > Accessing case data from third party applications > Importing data into IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys > Importing UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer data into IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys
Importing UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer data into IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys
This topic describes how to import data from an UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer relational MR (RDB) database into IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys.
To import UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer data into IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys
1 From the File menu in IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys, choose Import IBM SPSS Data Collection
This opens the UNICOM Intelligence Data Link Properties dialog box.
2 Click the Connection tab.
3 From the Metadata Type list, select Intelligence Metadata Document.
4 Click the Browse button that is on the right of the Metadata Location box.
This opens a dialog box where you select the Metadata Document (.mdd) file for your UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer project.
5 In the File name box, type the name of the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer server prefixed by two backslash characters, for example \\MyServer, and click Open.
6 Navigate to the .mdd file for the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer project. The name and location of the .mdd file depends on the version of UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer that you are using:
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer 2.3 or earlier. Select the .mdd file from the SPSSMR_FMROOT\Master\<project name> folder. The name of the project folder is usually a user name followed by the creation date and time of the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer project, for example, PSMITH0410081732. The .mdd file will have the same name as the project folder, for example, PSMITH0410081732.mdd.
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer 3.0 or later. Select the .mdd file from the SPSSMR_FMROOT\Shared\Projects\<project name> folder. The name of the project folder is usually be the same as the name of the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer project, for example, MyInterviewProject. The .mdd file will have the same name as the project folder, for example, MyInterviewProject.mdd.
7 When you have selected your .mdd file, click Open. The name and location of the .mdd file appear in the Metadata Location box.
8 To change any of the properties of the metadata, such as the version of the metadata that will be used, click Properties.
This opens the Metadata Properties dialog box. For more information about changing the metadata properties, see Data Link Properties: Metadata Properties.
9 From the Case Data Type list, select UNICOM Intelligence Database (MS SQL Server) (read-write).
Information about the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer database appears in the Case Data Location and Case Data Project boxes.
10 If you need to provide a user name and password to access your UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer database, click Browse next to the Case Data Location box. Select Use a specific name and password and complete the User name and Password boxes.
11 Click OK to close the Data Link Properties dialog box and connect to the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer database.
When the connection to the database has been established, the IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys Select Variables dialog box appears.
To complete the import of UNICOM Intelligence data, see “Importing Data” in the SPSS Text Analysis for Surveys User's Guide.
See also
Importing data into IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys
Importing data into IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys: Troubleshooting