Data Model > Accessing the UNICOM Intelligence Data Model > Working with the Case Data Model > Accessing case data from third party applications > Displaying the Data Link Properties dialog box
Displaying the Data Link Properties dialog box
You can display the Data Link Properties dialog box in your applications using the DisplayWizard method of the DataLinkHelper class of the Provider (mrOleDb). In Visual Basic, for example:
DisplayWizard(Optional hWndParent As Long,
Optional ConnectionString As String) As String
The method displays the Data Link Properties dialog box and returns the connection string entered in the dialog box. An empty connection string is returned if Cancel is pressed. An optional connection string can be provided to initialize the settings in the dialog box. If a connection string is not provided, or is invalid, the data link properties default to the .
You can restrict the CDSCs displayed in the Data Link Properties dialog box to those with certain capabilities by presetting the connection string. For example, with the following connection string the Data Link Properties dialog box shows only write-enabled CDSCs:
Note Valid Mode values include:
Mode=1 (Read)
Mode=2 (Write)
Mode=3 (ReadWrite)
Example 1
This mrScriptBasic example opens the Data Link Properties dialog box, connects to the data source, executes a query, and writes out the contents of the ADO recordset. You can run this script using UNICOM Intelligence Professional, or copy and paste the code into a text file that has a .mrs extension and run the file using mrScript Command Line Runner.
Dim DataLinkHelper, ConnectionString
Dim adoConnection, adoRS, Field

' Open the Data Link Properties dialog box
Set DataLinkHelper = CreateObject("MROLEDB.DataLinkHelper")
ConnectionString = DataLinkHelper.DisplayWizard()

If ConnectionString = "" Then Exit ' User canceled

' Connect to the data source
Set adoConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

' Run a query against the data source
Set adoRS = adoConnection.Execute("SELECT respondent.serial FROM vdata")

' Output the contents of the ADO recordset

Do Until adoRS.EOF
For Each Field in adoRS.Fields
Debug.Log("-- END OF ROW --")

Example 2
This example is from the DM Query sample Visual Basic application, which is supplied with the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library.
Private Function GetConnectionString() As Boolean
Dim DataLinkHelper As New MROLEDBLib.DataLinkHelper
Dim Result As String

Result = DataLinkHelper.DisplayWizard(Me.hWnd)
If Result = "" Then 'User Canceled
GetConnectionString = False
Set ADOConnection = New ADODB.Connection
ADOConnection.ConnectionString = Result
Set pADOConnection = ADOConnection
GetConnectionString = True
End If

End Function
See also
Accessing case data from third party applications