Interviewer - Server Admin > Administration and maintenance > Configuring for single sign-on > Starting UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin
Starting UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin
When the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin EnableWindowsLogin setting is enabled, and the NT user account login exists in the User database, the user will be automatically logged in. After the user logs out of UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin, the link Login as current user is provided, allowing the Windows user to again login.
If the Windows users are not added via UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin, do the following:
1 Log in as a UNICOM Intelligence administrator.
2 Open the User Administration activity.
3 Add the appropriate NT accounts as DOMAIN\UserName (for example, SPSS\Ben for a user whose NT user name is Ben).
4 Add each user account to a Role.
See User administration for information on starting the activity and adding user accounts to Roles.
If the client and server are not on the same domain, Internet Explorer asks the user to input a user name and password. If the user clicks Cancel, the system is redirected to the login screen.
Note When the client operating system is Windows 2003, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin cannot redirect to the login screen after clicking Cancel. This is because of an Internet Explorer security setting. The setting can be turned off by disabling the Windows 2003/2008 Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration setting. For more information about the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration, see:
When the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin EnableWindowsLogin setting is disabled, the logon dialog is always presented; the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin Authentication and Windows Authentication options are provided for both native and Windows users.
Windows authentication supports both full names and simple names for logging in (for example, spss\mrpdtest and mrpdtest are both supported if the Windows user account is in the User database).
See also
Configuring for single sign-on