Data Model > Available DSCs > UNICOM Intelligence Data File CDSC > Indexing UNICOM Intelligence Data Files
Indexing UNICOM Intelligence Data Files
Starting with UNICOM Intelligence Data Model 5.6, the UNICOM Intelligence Data File CDSC supports indexing on specific columns. Indexing significantly speeds up the selection, update, and deletion of statements when indexed columns are used in filter expressions.
Indexes can be added to top level mtText, mtLong, mtDouble , mtBool and mtDate columns. Whether the index will be created or removed is controlled by the custom property Index on the corresponding field in the Metadata Document. The context can be either Analysis or Question. When the Index custom property is set to True, the corresponding column will be indexed; when the Index custom property set to False the corresponding column’s index will be removed. The Respondent.Serial column is typically used to uniquely identify a respondent record, and is indexed by default (the column index can be explicitly removed by setting the Index custom property to False).
The indexes are not created immediately, and are created under the following scenarios:
The UpdateIndexes connection property is set to True. In this scenario, the indexes will be updated upon opening the UNICOM Intelligence Data File. For more information, see Custom connection properties used by the UNICOM Intelligence Data File CDSC.
A WHERE expression was natively evaluated in the UNICOM Intelligence Data File DSC and there were no created indexes. For more information, see Natively supported WHERE expressions.
The custom property Index controls whether the index is created or removed on the corresponding Metadata Document field. For more information, see Custom properties in use in UNICOM Intelligence products.
See also
UNICOM Intelligence Data File schema
Transferring hierarchical data to a UNICOM Intelligence Data File
Custom connection properties used by the UNICOM Intelligence Data File CDSC
UNICOM Intelligence Data File CDSC: Supported CDSC features
SQLite and multiple users
Natively supported WHERE expressions
Compressed UNICOM Intelligence Data Files
UNICOM Intelligence Data File CDSC