Data Model > Available DSCs > SPSS Statistics SAV DSC > SPSS Statistics SAV DSC error and warning messages
SPSS Statistics SAV DSC error and warning messages
A category with missing value _____ in variable _____ is conflicting with another category with the same value
A category that has been flagged as missing in this categorical variable has the same value as another category in the variable. This typically happens when the Value custom property of a category is set to a value that another category has by default. You can avoid this problem by setting the UseMetaDataValues custom property to True.
A category with value _____ in variable _____ is conflicting with another category with the same value
Two categories in this categorical variable have the same value. This can happen when the Value custom property of a category is set to a value that another category has by default. You can avoid this problem by setting the UseMetaDataValues custom property to True.
AddNew failed, possibly because source is already open for read
There was a problem when the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC attempted to insert data before actually writing it. This might be because the file is locked. The first write access requires the .sav file to be reopened in write mode.
An error occurred copying data to the updated SAV file. _____
There was a problem while attempting to update a SAV file. The second part of the message provides more information about the error.
An error occurred reading from the SAV file. _____
The second part of the message provides more information about the error.
An error occurred while creating extended sav XML metadata file for SPSS WebApp
The could not create the SPSS WebApp XML file. If a file of the same name already exists, check that it is not write-protected.
An error occurred while reading metadata from data source
The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC encountered a problem when it was reading the variable definitions in the .sav file.
An error occurred writing to the SAV file. _____
The second part of the message provides more information about the error.
Append databinding failed, binding type is not a column binding
The tool that was accessing the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC attempted to access a data object that was not a column, such as a table. However, the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC does not support this type of data object.
Append databinding failed, column _____ does not belong to data source
The tool that was accessing the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC attempted to access a column that was not defined in the current connection.
Append table _____ failed. Only table VDATA is supported
The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC does not support multiple tables. VDATA is the only table that the supports.
Could not access data source in read mode
There was a problem when the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC attempted to reopen the .sav file in read mode. This might be caused by a file access problem.
Could not access definition for column _____ in data source
The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC encountered a problem when it was reading the variable definition in the .sav file for the specified column.
Could not add categories to MDM variable
There was a problem when the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC was creating the metadata from a .sav file. This error should not occur under normal circumstances.
Could not add datasource to MDM variable
There was a problem when the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC was creating the metadata from a .sav file. This error should not occur under normal circumstances.
Could not add variable _____ to fields collection of MDM document
There was a problem when the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC was creating the metadata from a .sav file. This error should not occur under normal circumstances.
Could not connect to data source for writing data definitions. Data definitions can only be written to a new data source, before any read access
The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC encountered a problem when it attempted to create a new .sav file. Possible reasons are that the file already exists (the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC cannot modify the definitions of the variables in an existing file), an invalid path has been specified, or you do not have the appropriate access rights to the specified folder.
Could not connect to sav file. Overlapping multiple response definitions _____ are not all of same type (dichotomous or categorical)
The .sav file that you are attempting to open contains one or more variables that are included in more than one multiple response set. The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC can read multiple response sets that contain the same variable(s) only if all of the multiple response sets that contain the same variable are defined in the same way. Go into IBM SPSS Statistics and check the multiple response set definitions. Any multiple response sets that contain the same variables need to have the same option (either Dichotomies or Categories) chosen in the Variables Are Coded As box in the Define Multiple Response Sets dialog box. If Dichotomies is chosen, all of the multiple response sets that contain the same variable also need to have the same Counted Value as well. The Define Multiple Response Sets dialog box is only available if you have the IBM SPSS Statistics Tables add-on.
Could not connect to sav file. Overlapping multiple response definitions _____ do not all have the same counted value
The .sav file that you are attempting to open contains one or more variables that are included in more than one multiple dichotomy set, but these multiple dichotomy sets have different Counted Values. Go into IBM SPSS Statistics and check the multiple response set definitions. Any multiple response sets that contain the same variables need to have the same option (either Dichotomies or Categories) chosen in the Variables Are Coded As box in the Define Multiple Response Sets dialog box. If Dichotomies is chosen, all of the multiple response sets that contain the same variable also need to have the same Counted Value as well. The Define Multiple Response Sets dialog box is only available if you have the IBM SPSS Statistics Tables add-on.
Could not connect to sav file. Variable _____ in multiple response definition is already used in another multi definition
The .sav file that you are attempting to open contains one or more variables that are included in more than one multiple response set. In UNICOM Intelligence Data Model 2.3 and earlier, the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC cannot read these variables. Before you attempt to open the .sav file again, open the file in IBM SPSS Statistics and either remove the multiple response set(s) that contain these variables or use the copy and paste features to copy these variables and change the second and any subsequent multiple response sets that include the same variables to include copies of the variables instead.
Could not create data source _____
The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC encountered a problem when it attempted to create a new .sav file. Possible reasons are that the file already exists (the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC cannot write to an existing file), an invalid path has been specified, or you do not have the appropriate access rights to the specified folder.
Could not create sav file _____
The could not create the new .sav file in the specified folder. Check that you have the correct access permissions for the folder.
Could not create variable _____ in MDM document
There was a problem when the was creating the metadata from a .sav file. This error should not occur under normal circumstances.
Could not initialize datasource. The specified folder is not accessible: _____
When you specified the .sav file to which you want to write the data, you specified a folder that the cannot access. Check that you spelled the folder name correctly.
Could not locate variable instance _____ in fields collection of MDM document
There was a problem when the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC was creating the metadata from a .sav file. This error should not occur under normal circumstances.
Could not open existing data source _____
The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC encountered a problem when it attempted to open an existing .sav file in read mode. This might be because the file is the wrong format or you do not have the appropriate access rights.
Could not open sav file for appending data _____
The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC closes and reopens the .sav file every time it needs to be accessed in a new way. However, it was not possible to open the file to append data to the end of the file.
Could not open sav file for read access _____
The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC closes and reopens the .sav file every time it needs to be accessed in a new way. However, it was not possible to open the file to read the data.
Could not read from column _____ with alias name _____. The native category _____ was not found in the mdm value map
This problem occurs when you specify an .mdd file and the MR Init Category Values connection property is set to 0 (the default). The problem might be caused by a mismatch between the selected version of the .mdd file and the data in the .sav file or between the data source specified in the .mdd file and the case data location specified in the connection string.
Could not write definition of column _____ with alias name _____. The size attribute was negative
The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC could not create the specified column because its size attribute was negative and the cannot create a column with a negative size. Size attributes define the number of characters that can be stored in a text variable or the number of values that can be stored in a categorical variable.
Could not write definition of column _____ with alias name _____. There was a problem creating the specified variable in the .sav file
This problem typically happens when you connect to a .sav file without an MDM document. For more information, see Troubleshooting when writing to a .sav file.
Could not write definition of column _____ with alias name _____. Error creating labels for categories
There was a problem creating the labels for the specified variable in the .sav file.
Could not write definition of column _____ with alias name _____. No categories were defined for the column
There are no categories defined for the specified variable, possibly because of an inappropriate data definition language (DDL) SQL statement. When this happens, the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC usually creates a single category called empty.
Could not write definition of column _____
There was an error attempting to write to the .sav file.
Could not write definition of column _____. The column type is not supported
The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC was not able to create the specified variable because this type of variable is not supported.
Could not write definition of sub column _____ of multicolumn definition _____
There was an error when the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC attempted to create the multiple variables in the .sav file that are required to represent a single MDM variable.
Could not write multiresponse definition for column _____
An error occurred when the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC attempted to create the multiple response variable that links a multiple category set or a multiple dichotomy set.
Could not write to column _____ with alias name _____. The category _____ was not found in the value map
The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC could not translate the specified category into the representation used by the .sav file. This might be caused by a version mismatch between the .mdd file and the .sav file.
Datasource created with no columns - column 'Empty' created because sav files cannot have empty metadata
This message is informing you that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC has created a variable called Empty in the .sav file because otherwise the .sav file would not contain any variables and this is not allowed.
Delete only supported following AddNew instead of Update
The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC cannot delete existing records in the .sav file.
Error parsing multiresponse definition
The .sav file contains multiple response definitions that the cannot handle.
Error storing aliasname _____ on MDM variable, alias appears to already exist in MDM document
There was a problem when the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC was creating the metadata from a .sav file. This error should not occur under normal circumstances.
Failed to close data source session for metadata access
When connecting to an existing .sav file, the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC first opens the file to read the variable definitions and then it closes the file before it reads the case data. However, there was a problem closing the file.
Failed to create the SAV file _____ for updating _____. _____
There was a problem while attempting to update a SAV file. The second part of the message provides more information about the error.
Failed to replace the data file _____ with the updated file _____. _____
There was a problem while attempting to update a SAV file. The second part of the message provides more information about the error.
Failed to replace the data file _____ with the updated file _____. The original file was renamed to _____. _____
There was a problem while attempting to update a SAV file. The last part of the message provides more information about the error.
Failed to replace the data file _____ with the updated file _____. There are too many temporary files with names like _____. _____
There was a problem while attempting to update a SAV file. The last part of the message provides more information about the error.
Get property _____ not supported
The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC does not implement all of the properties in the CDSC Interface. When any of these properties are accessed, the Provider normally implements the default services. However, an internal error meant that this did not happen when the specified property was accessed.
Length error writing to column _____.
There was an error creating the specified variable because the text is longer, or there are more categories, than the allocated space for.
MDM object refused, column _____ can't be modified
An attempt was made to assign an MDM object to a column, but modifying columns is not allowed.
Method _____ not supported
The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC does not implement all of the methods in the CDSC Interface. When any of these methods are accessed, the Provider normally implements the default services. However, an internal error meant that this did not happen when the specified method was accessed.
Modification to the layout of data source _____ (a DDL operation) attempted at a point where this is not yet or no longer possible
When you export to a new .sav file, the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC first defines the .sav file variables. After this process is completed, the cannot change the definitions of those variables. SPSS SAV DSC cannot change the variable definitions when you export to an existing .sav file.
MoveFirst failed
There was an error because MoveFirst was called when the was in a state where this was not allowed.
MoveLast failed
There was an error because MoveLast was called when the was in a state where this was not allowed.
MoveNext failed
There was an error because MoveNext was called when the was in a state where this was not allowed.
MovePrevious failed
There was an error because MovePrevious was called when was in a state where this was not allowed.
Operation _____ failed because the command object was not open
The Command object does not support this operation when it is closed.
Operation failed with internal message _____
There was an unexpected error.
Operation failed
There was an unexpected error.
Reading value from column _____ failed
There was an error when the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC attempted to write case data to the .sav file. This might be because you do not have the correct file access permissions.
Set property _____ not supported
The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC does not implement all of the properties in the CDSC Interface. When any of these properties are accessed, the Provider normally implements the default services. However, an internal error meant that this did not happen when the specified property was accessed.
The SAV DSC's language _____ isn't supported by the IBM SPSS Statistics DLL.
The SAV DSC's locale _____ from connection properties, isn't supported on this system
To resolve this error, install the missing language on your computer.
The SAV DSC's locale _____, from SavLanguage property _____, isn't supported on this system
To resolve this error, install the missing language on your computer.
The SAV DSC's locale _____, from the MDM document, isn't supported on this system
To resolve this error, install the missing language on your computer.
The SavCodePage property _____ isn't a valid code page.
The SavLanguage property _____ doesn't represent a known language.
Type error while parsing multiresponse definition
The .sav file contains multiple response definitions that the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC cannot handle.
Update failed
The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC could not complete the Update operation. This was possibly because Update was called at an inappropriate point. The normal sequence is AddNew, followed by write operations, followed by Update. Alternatively, some other problem (such as a file access problem) caused the error.
Variable _____ not found while parsing multiresponse definition
The SPSS Statistics SAV DSC could not find the specified variable in the .sav file. The IBM SPSS Statistics variable is needed to create an MDM multiple-response categorical variable.
Writing categorical value to column _____ failed. The category _____ was not found in the metadata
This error occurs when the .sav file contains a response that the cannot match with a category in the metadata. The most likely reason for this is that you are reading a .sav file with an .mdd file that doesn't match the .sav file. If you are using an .mdd file to read the .sav file, check that you specified the right one. Another possibility is that the MR Init Category Values connection property is set incorrectly.
Writing value to column _____ failed There was an error when the attempted to write case data to the .sav file
This might be because you do not have the correct file access permissions.
Writing value to column _____ failed. Too many categories
The specified variable could not be created in the .sav file, because the .sav file did not have enough space.
Writing value to text column _____ failed. Text is too long for space allocated in sav file
This message typically occurs when attempting to transfer an open-ended response that is longer than the number of characters specified in the MaxValue property of the MDM variable. If you want to transfer the record anyway, you need to select the Allow Dirty option. Alternatively, increase the number of characters specified in the MaxValue property on the variable in the MDM document. However, changing the MaxValue will not result in the creation of additional text variables for storing the longer text unless you export the data to a new .sav file.
See also
SPSS Statistics SAV DSC
Troubleshooting when writing to a .sav file