Data Model > Available DSCs > Quanvert DSC > Variable definitions > Categories Column
Categories Column
The categories column contains a list of the indexes of the selected elements, in the form {3,5}. For single response variables, the categories column should never contain more than one index. If the respondent did not select any categories, the column is {}. In UNICOM Intelligence Data Model 2, the element index is the element value assigned by the Metadata Model.
Elements that are included in the categories columns
A normal category element.
A normal element that is not meant for printing in a table. In Basic mode, a tabulator aggregates and prints it. The "don't print" instruction is available to tabulators operating in Quanvert-aware mode.
An element that collects the cases that are included in the variable, but excluded from its rej=0 base element(s) and all category elements.
Note There are a number of element options (nontot, noexport, ex=, inc=;median, and inc=;percentile) that can be applied to these elements and that result in the element being put into the extra column. Sometimes these element options are applied automatically by the Quantum compiler.
See also
Variable definitions