Data Model > Available DSCs > Log DSC > Querying concurrent activity usage from logs with DM Query
Querying concurrent activity usage from logs with DM Query
Concurrent activity usage can be tracked by querying LIC* log files with DM Query. The activities that can be tracked are:
License code
Web Interviews
Phone Interviews
Survey Tabulation
Survey Reporter Server Edition
Author Server Edition
To connect to all of the LIC* log files in a specific directory, enter the name and location of the directory in DM Query. For more information, see Running the example queries on log files using DM Query.
To ensure that only specific LIC* log files are queried, specify FileTypeFilter=IVW for the MR Init Custom advanced property. For more information, see Custom connection properties used by Log DSC.
After loading the appropriate log files in DM Query, you can perform queries such as the following.
Note To query log files for concurrent activity usage, use AppGroup = 'LIC' AND ComponentID=201 AND LogLevel = {Metric} in your query.
Determining the current number of users
SELECT Project as License, DateTime, LogEntry as 'Current Usage' FROM VDATA WHERE AppGroup = 'LIC' AND ComponentID = 201 AND LogLevel = {Metric} ORDER BY Project ASC, DateTime DESC
Determining the maximum number of users for particular month
SELECT Year(DateTime) as Year, MonthName(Month(DateTime)) As Month, Project as License, Max(CLong(LogEntry)) As 'Max Users' FROM VDATA WHERE AppGroup = 'LIC' AND ComponentID = 201 AND LogLevel = {Metric} GROUP BY Year(DateTime), Month(DateTime), Project ORDER BY Project ASC, Year(DateTime) ASC, Month(DateTime) DESC
Determining the maximum number of users on the system
SELECT Project as License, Max(CLong(LogEntry)) As 'Max Users' FROM VDATA WHERE AppGroup = 'LIC' AND ComponentID = 201 AND LogLevel = {Metric} GROUP BY Project ORDER BY Project ASC
See also
Running the example queries on log files using DM Query