Data Model > Available DSCs > SAS DSC > Variable names and labels
Variable names and labels
The SAS version 7 files written by the SAS DSC support variable names up to 32 characters in length.
SAS variable names must begin with a letter or an underscore (_), but the remainder of the name can consist of letters, digits, or underscores. The characters @, #, and $, which are supported in UNICOM Intelligence Metadata Model (MDM) variable names, are not supported in SAS variable names.
The SAS DSC uses the Alias Map Component to convert each MDM variable name into a valid SAS variable name. You can control some aspects of the way in which SAS variable names are generated by setting the AliasCutFactor Properties and settings used by SAS DSC.
Variable labels
The SAS version 7 files written by the SAS DSC support variable labels up to 256 characters in length.
See also
Variable definitions
Missing values
Properties and settings used by SAS DSC
SAS DSC: Supported CDSC features