Interviewer - Server Admin > Customizing UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin > Activity configuration files > Web configuration files > Settings for User Administration
Settings for User Administration
The Web.config file for User Administration, located in c:\InetPub\wwwroot\SPSSMR\UserAdministration, can be used to control the following aspects of the activity's behavior:
validation of user names, role names, and passwords
display of the User Properties options
removal of user and role access rights from DPM when users and roles are deleted.
User name validation
User Administration lets you choose any names you like for user names as long as they adhere to the Windows standards for user names. This means that they must not contain punctuation (apart from a dot), symbols (a \ is valid in NT user names), or space characters. User Administration has two keys that it uses to ensure that the names that you type are valid Windows users names or email addresses.
The SPSS_UserNameRegEx1 setting defines the first regular expression that User Administration uses to check that user names are valid Windows names. If this key is not defined, then the following definition is used:
  <add key="SPSS_UserNameRegEx1"
value="^[\p{L}\p{Mn}\p{N}\p{Pc}\p{Pd}]+\\*[\p{L}\p{Mn}\p{N}\p{Pc}\p{Pd}.]+$" />
This translates to accepting user names that contain any combination of the following:
upper or lower case letters (accented or similarly modified letters are accepted)
underscores and hyphens.
This may be followed by a \ and then any combination of these characters again.
The second expression is defined in the SPSS_UserNameRegEx2 key and is used to validate email addresses used as user names. If this key is not defined, the following default is used:
  <add key="SPSS_UserNameRegEx2"
value="^[\p{L}]+([-+.][\p{L}]+)*@[\p{L}]+([-.][\p{L}]+)*\.[\p{L}]+([-.][\p{L}]+)*$" />
User names are accepted if they match one or other of these expressions. If you want to allow only one type of validation, make the two expressions identical.
If you want to allow other types of names, such as names containing certain symbols, or you want to disallow numbers in user names, then you may define your own values for these keys. For information on how to write regular expressions of this type, see:
Role name validation
The SPSS_RoleNameRegEx key defines a regular expression that can be used to validate role names. If the key is not defined it defaults to the following:
  <add key=SPSS_RoleNameRegEx" value="^[\p{L}\p{Mn}\p{N}\p{Pc}]+$" />
For information on how to write regular expressions of this type, see:
Password validation
The SPSS_PasswordRegEx property defines a regular expression that will be used for validating users' passwords. See Password validation.
Displaying User Properties options
Deleting access rights from DPM
See also
Web configuration files