Data Model > UNICOM Intelligence Data Model accessories
UNICOM Intelligence Data Model accessories
UNICOM Intelligence Data Model comes with the following accessories:
Metadata Model to Quantum: Enables you to define card and column definitions and to export a basic Quantum specification for your UNICOM Intelligence data.
Questionnaire Viewer: A customizable browser that enables you to open, view, and print questionnaire definition (.mdd) files.
Metadata Model Version Utility (MDM Version Utility): Enables you to extract a single version of a questionnaire definition (.mdd) file and save it as a new file and to merge two or more versions of a questionnaire definition file and save the result as a new file.
MDM Label Manager: Enables you to configure the contexts, label types and language properties of .mdd files for use in the Translation Utility and other applications such as the Questionnaire Viewer.
Metadata Model Compare: You can use Metadata Model Compare to compare two UNICOM Intelligence metadata documents (also known as Questionnaire Definitions or Interview Scripts). The metadata documents can either be two separate .mdd files or can be different versions or superversions of the same .mdd file.
mrScript Command Line Runner: Enables you to run an mrScriptBasic file.
UNICOM Intelligence WordCapture. Enables you to create a UNICOM Intelligence Metadata Document (.mdd) file from any questionnaire written in Microsoft Word.
Converting Quanvert data files into UNICOM Intelligence data files. Enables you to convert Quanvert data files into UNICOM Intelligence Data Files.
See also
UNICOM Intelligence Data Model