Data Model > UNICOM Intelligence Data Model reference
UNICOM Intelligence Data Model reference
Architecture of the UNICOM Intelligence Data Model
Overview of the architecture of the UNICOM Intelligence Data Model.
MDM object reference
An interface between the user application and the metadata. The MDM Document simplifies access to the metadata by representing it as an object model, rather than as a serial file.
Alias Map component
Used to convert text to unique names that meet certain criteria, such as a maximum length of eight characters or a restricted character set.
MDM Tools
Designed to simplify access to MDM variables, to facilitate consistency across products, and to reduce the need to extend the MDM.
UNICOM Intelligence OLE DB Provider
Presents the case data in a standardized form that is accessible to any industry-standard data consumer, such as Microsoft Excel, and it enables you to write data to any well-defined data file or database schema.
SQL Aggregator
Implements the SQL summary functions of AVG, Base, Count, Sum, Min, Max, and STDEV.
Evaluate object reference
Implements expression parsing and evaluation. The component is used by both the MDM and the MDM.
Extended stored procedures
Implements stored procedure syntax.
CDSC interface
A COM interface for exposing basic data services to the OLE DB Provider.
MDSC interface
The MDSC Interface is used for creating metadata source components (MDSCs).
DSC registration component
Enumerates case and metadata DSCs. This component can be used by user-applications to browse available DSCs and to select a DSC from which to load a document.
Table Services DSC
Provides a hierarchical (HDATA) view of the data for other CDSCs that support only a flat (VDATA) view. Also provides a flat view for other CDSCs that support only a hierarchical view. When required, the Table Services DSC is instantiated automatically by the and other UNICOM Intelligence components and functions as a wrapper around the other CDSC.
Metadata Model to Quantum component
New in UNICOM Intelligence Data Model 2.5, this component makes it easy to allocate card, column, and punch definitions programmatically; for example, in a DataManagementScript (DMS) file.
mrScript interface
Implements the parsing and execution of mrScriptBasic.
Logging component
Implements logging in UNICOM Intelligence products.
Metadata Model error messages
Details of the MDM error messages.
Case Data Model error messages
Details of the CDM error messages.
See also
UNICOM Intelligence Data Model