Visual C++ examples
This topic provides some fragments of Visual C++ that illustrate populating the MDM Document.
Creating the document
MDM::IDocumentPtr pDoc;
pDoc->Contexts->Current = L"QUESTION"; // set context to question
pDoc->Name = MetadataFileName; // new file name
// later when you want to save the doc
pDoc->Save(MetadataPath, false);
Creating basic variables
MDM::IVariablePtr mdmVar;
mdmVar = pDoc->CreateVariable(origVarName);
if (mdmVar == 0) {
return false;
// -1 indicates that the Variable should be added at the end of the list
pDoc->Fields->Add(mdmVar, -1);
mdmVar->Label = origVarQuestionText; // default contexts are Question, LABEL
// populating another context
mdmVar->Labels[L"ShortName"]->Text[L"Analysis"][L"ENU"] = origVarAnalysisShortname;
switch (origVarType)
mdmVar->DataType = MDM::mtCategorical;
// Add the elements
MDM::IElementsPtr pElements = mdmVar->Elements;
for (short i = 0; i < origVarElementCount; ++i) {
// Generate the Name from the Text but remove invalid characters
_bstr_t bsElemName = MakeElemName(origElemText);
mdmElem = pDoc->CreateElement(bsElemName, origElemText);
if (mdmElem == 0) {
return false;
// -1 indicates that the Element should be added at the end of the list
pElements->Add(m_mdmElem, -1);
mdmElem->Flag = MDM::flNone; // add a flag if it is appropriate
mdmElem->Type = MDM::mtCategory;
mdmVar->MinValue = 1L;
mdmVar->MaxValue = (long) OrigVarMaxValue;
case VAR_NUM:
mdmVar->DataType= MDM::mtLong;
mdmVar->MinValue = (long) origVarMinVal;
mdmVar->MaxValue = (long) origVarMaxVal;
case VAR_REAL:
mdmVar->DataType= MDM::mtDouble;
// Note: Min,MaxValue are of type double here
mdmVar->MinValue = (double) origVarMinVal;
mdmVar->MaxValue = (double) origVarMaxVal;
case VAR_TEXT:
mdmVar->DataType = MDM::mtText;
mdmVar->MinValue = (long) origVarMinVal;
mdmVar->MaxValue = (long) origVarMaxVal;
// See grid information in the Complex question types section
// ...
Adding variables to the Paper routing
// pDoc is a pointer to an MDM document
MDM::IRoutingPtr pRouting = pDoc->Routing;
MDM::ITypesPtr pFields = pDoc->Fields;
long lCount = pFields->Count;
for (long lIndex = 0; lIndex < lCount; ++lIndex)
MDM::IRoutingItemPtr pRoutingItem(__uuidof(MDM::RoutingItem));
pRoutingItem->Item = pFields[lIndex];
pRouting->Add(pRoutingItem, L"Paper", -1);
Creating a grid
// creating and adding the grid container
mdmGrid = pDoc->CreateGrid(origVarName);
if (mdmGrid == 0) {
return false;
pDoc->Fields->Add(mdmGrid, -1);
// creating and adding the categorical into the grid
mdmVar = pDoc->CreateVariable(origVarName, origVarQuestionText);
if (mdmVar == 0) {
return false;
MDM::ITypesPtr pGridFields = mdmGrid->Fields;
pGridFields->Add(mdmVar, -1);
mdmVar->DataType = MDM::mtCategorical;
mdmVar->MinValue = 1L;
mdmVar->MaxValue = (long) OrigVarMaxValue;
// Add the top elements
MDM::IElementsPtr pGridElements = mdmGrid->Elements;
pGridElements->Name = L"side"; // give the elements for the grid a name
for (short i = 0; i < origVarElementCount; ++i) {
_bstr_t bsElemText = origElemText[i];
mdmElem = pDoc->CreateElement(MakeElemName(bsElemText), bsElemText);
if (mdmElem == 0) {
return false;
pGridElements->Add(m_mdmElem, -1);
mdmElem->Flag = MDM::flNone; // add a flag if it is appropriate
mdmElem->Type = MDM::mtCategory;
// Add the routing information
MDM::RoutingPtr pRouting = mdmGrid->Class->Routing;
for (long j = 0; j < pGridFields->Count; ++j)
IVariablePtr pVar = pGridFields->Item[j];
if (pVar) {
IRoutingItemPtr pRoutingItem(__uuidof(MDM::RoutingItem));
pRoutingItem->Item = pVar;
pRouting->Add(pRoutingItem, L"Paper", -1);
See also