Connection initialization
For all CDSCs, the first point of contact for client modules is the Source interface. The client creates an instance of your Source object, optionally sets some connection properties on it, and then calls its Initialize method to establish a connection to the data it wants to access through the CDSC.
In the Initialize method, add code to check any connection properties your CDSC requires. The default implementation checks for the (optional) input and output locales, and MDM document, and the (mandatory) name of the data source to connect to. For details of the defined connection properties, see
Connection properties.
Populate the Source object's Tables collection with any tables and columns required to represent the existing data in the data source, and/or the variables defined in the supplied MDM document.
In the Visual C++ skeleton project, change CSource::Initialize() to return S_OK instead of E_NOTIMPL if initialization is successful.
See also