Scripting > UNICOM Intelligence Function Library
UNICOM Intelligence Function Library
The UNICOM Intelligence Function Library (mrFuncLib.dll) supplements the basic expression evaluation with some more advanced operations.
Operate on categorical data only
Operate on text or categorical data, or arrays
Operate on text data only
Operate on date and time data
Convert data from one data type to another
Generate random numbers
Order, and retrieve items from, category lists, arrays, and collections of objects
Mathematical functions
Other functions
If an MDM Document is specified when the connection is made to the Data Model, the MDM Document is passed to relevant functions automatically. The variable ID of the current variable instance in the MDM document is also passed to relevant functions.
If you open the case data without specifying an MDM Document or an MDSC, you can use all of the functions except the DefinedCategories and DefinedElements functions. However, when you connect without specifying an MDM Document or an MDSC, you must always specify categories using their numeric category values and not using their names or a category expression to define one or more ranges of categories. Similarly, in mrScriptBasic you can specify categories using their names or category expressions only when an MDM Document is available to the mrScript Engine. When an MDM Document is not available to the mrScript Engine, you must specify categories using their numeric category values. For further details, see Value resolution.
Dates and times and numeric data that contains decimal symbols and thousands separators are presented differently in different international locations (called locales). (You typically specify the locale on your PC using Regional Options in the Windows Control Panel.) The Case Data Model uses two different locale settings (called the input locale and the output locale) in order to handle situations where, for example, a questionnaire is presented in one language and answered in another. These settings can be defined as connection properties when you connect to the UNICOM Intelligence Data Model. See Locale handling in the UNICOM Intelligence Data Model for more information. The input locale and output locale are automatically passed to the functions and are used when necessary for interpreting input data and formatting output data and error messages.
For an introduction to using the functions in SQL queries, see I want to use the Data Model to access data, but I am used to SPSS-style data. Can you give me an overview?.
For information about adding function libraries, see Adding function libraries.
Note Additional data management functions (DataManagementFuncLib.dll) are also available. See Data Management functions for more information.
See also
Syntax conventions
Specifying text strings as arguments
Calling syntax
Value resolution
Category expressions
Alphabetical list of functions
Visual Basic function equivalents