IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services
IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository
This section describes how UNICOM Intelligence integrates with IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository.
Introduction to IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository integration
UNICOM Intelligence provides the ability to integrate with IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository. When working with Data Management Script (.dms) and mrScriptBasic script (.mrs) files such as reporting and other scripts in UNICOM Intelligence Professional, you can store script files to, and retrieve script files from, IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository. The stored script files can be used to create, schedule, and execute jobs. This allows you to create jobs and automate reporting tasks. For example you can create a job that contains a number of steps and uses a script (.dms) to collect and organize the data, and pass it off to a reporting script (.mrs) which in turn will analyze the data and generate a report.
When working with table document (.mtd) files in UNICOM Intelligence Reporter or UNICOM Intelligence Reporter Desktop Edition, you can store files to, and retrieve files from, IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository.
Data Management Script (.dms) files are stored to IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository as zipped archive .dmz packages. A .dmz package contains a primary .dms file, a configuration file for the primary .dms file, and any other internal include files (see Scripting internal include files).
Sample Management Script (.mrs) files are stored to IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository as zipped archive .mrz packages. When stored in a IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository, mrScriptBasic script (.mrs) files such as reporting and other scripts are typically used to used to create .mtd files, create tables exports, or perform general processing. An .mrz package contains a primary .mrs file, a configuration file for the primary .mrs file, and any other internal include files.
Table document (.mtd) files are stored to IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository as zipped archive .mtz packages. An .mtz package contains an .mtd file and a configuration file for the .mtd.
For more information about packages, see Package structure.
Documentation for IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services
For help with installing and using the components of IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services, see the IBM documentation.
See also
Connecting to a IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository
Storing an object in a IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository
Retrieving an object from a IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository
Installing to the IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository
UNICOM Intelligence Professional integration with IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services
UNICOM Intelligence Reporter integration with IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services
Package structure
UNICOM Intelligence Execution Server
UNICOM Intelligence Execution Server architecture
UNICOM Intelligence IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services example