Interviewer - Server > Architecture > Web Service tier > Image/Template cache > How to configure the image cache
How to configure the image cache
Configuring the Image Cache and deciding whether to use it and, if so, how are separate issues. This topic explains how to configure the Image Cache. See How the image cache is used for information about whether and how to use it.
The Web.config file is used for configuring the Image Cache (c:\InetPub\wwwroot\SPSSMR\ImageCache). The file is on every Web, Interviewing, and Accessories server in the cluster. The settings that are defined in these files are as follows:
From where images are loaded.
What image file types can be loaded.
The values of these keys can be identical on all servers or they can vary between servers, depending on the security at your site.
Loading images from a folder or file share
Loading images from a remote image cache
Which file types can be loaded?
Making respondents' browsers cache images
Defining the client's cache duration
See also
Image/Template cache