
Classes IInterview­Info

The InterviewInfo object provides information about the current interview.


Read-only Properties
IDL Property Browser

Indicates the browser name used to start the interview.

IDL Property BrowserCapabilities

The BrowserCapabilities properties collection

IDL Property DataEntryMode

The data entry case's current mode.

IDL Property Dialer

The Dialer object which is associated with the interview (for phone interviews only)

IDL Property ElapsedTime

The total elapsed time for the interview

IDL Property ExtensionName

The name of the extension used by the interviewer conducting the interview (for phone interviews only)

IDL Property InterviewerID

The interviewer ID.

IDL Property InterviewMode

Returns the current interview mode.

IDL Property IsAutoAnswer

True if the interview is being answered by an automated script testing tool.

IDL Property IsDebug

IsDebug is True if the interview is running within the mrStudio debugger.

IDL Property IsFailover

True if the interview is in the process of starting after failing over.

IDL Property IsRestart

True if the interview is in the process of being restarted

IDL Property IsReview

True if the interview was started in Review Mode

IDL Property LastAsked

The name of the question that was last asked.

IDL Property LastAskedTime

The time when the last question was asked.

IDL Property Origin

The origin of the respondent data.

IDL Property OriginName

The source software product name.

IDL Property PagesAnswered

The number of pages successfully answered.

IDL Property PagesAsked

The number of pages asked.

IDL Property RandomSeed

The initial randomization seed value for the interview.

IDL Property RespondentID

The respondent ID.

IDL Property ReversalSeed

The initial reversal seed value for the interview.

IDL Property RotationSeed

The initial rotation seed value for the interview.

IDL Property ServerTime

The total amount of time spent at the server.

IDL Property ServerTimeZone

The time zone in use on the server

IDL Property ServerVariables

The ServerVariables properties collection

IDL Property StartTime

The interview start time in coordinated universal time (UTC)

IDL Property Timeouts

The number of timeouts that have occurred.

Read/Write Properties
IDL Property BatchID

The batch ID.

IDL Property BatchName

The batch Name.

IDL Property EstimatedPages

The estimated number of pages in the interview.

IDL Property EstimatedProgress

The estimated number of pages answered.

IDL Property InterviewerTimeZone

The time zone in use by the interviewer.

IDL Property IsRemoved

Used to indicate whether the case should be removed.

IDL Property IsTest

IsTest indicates whether this is a test interview.

IDL Property MaxOpcodesExecuted

The maximum number of opcodes that can be executed before the script is considered to be in an infinite loop.

IDL Property MaxQuestionsOnReplay

The maximum number of questions that can be automatically answered before the script is considered to be in an infinite loop.

IDL Property MaxTestErrors

The maximum number of errors that will be displayed in a test survey before the survey terminates.

IDL Property Renderer

Indicates which renderer is to be used by the interview.

IDL Property RespondentTimeZone

The time zone in use by the respondent.

IDL Property Serial

The respondent's serial number.

IDL Property UseKeyCodes

This property controls whether key codes, that are configured in metadata, are used. The property should not be set directly in the routing script; it should be set when defining the routing.

IDL Property UsePlayerNavigation

Used to indicate whether the player can post previous questions.

IDL Property User1

User parameter 1

IDL Property User2

User parameter 2

IDL Property User3

User parameter 3

IDL Property User4

User parameter 4

IDL Property User5

User parameter 5

IDL Property User6

User parameter 6

IDL Property User7

User parameter 7

IDL Property User8

User parameter 8

IDL Property User9

User parameter 9

Interface ID

The ID of the IInterviewInfo interface is E6CBAD74-319C-442B-BE32-29F27908B2E6.