
Classes IApp­Log

The Application Log object is used to log application messages.


With the properties and methods of an Application Log object, you can:

All of the log methods return success, even if the log group is not available.

The log location is read from the registry:


If the location setting cannot be read from the registry, the log group is created in the system temp directory.

The log filter is read from the registry:


If the filter setting cannot be read from the registry, trace level message will be filtered by default.

The maximum number of log files is read from:


The default maximum number of files is 50.

The maximum file size is read from:


The default maximum file size is 4096KB.

The log group settings can be overridden for each group by including settings in a sub-key with the same name as the group. For example, the following registry setting will override the default location for the IBD group:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SPSS\DimensionNet\Log\IBD\Directory = "c:\temp"


Method Error

Writes a formatted error entry to the log.

Method Log

Writes a formatted log entry to the log.

Method LogDetailed

Writes a formatted log entry to the log where all components of the entry can be specified

Method Metric

Writes a formatted metrics entry to the log.

Method Open

Opens an application log group.

Method Trace

Writes a formatted trace entry to the log.

Method Warning

Writes a formatted warning entry to the log.

Read-only Properties
IDL Property IsActive

Read-only property that indicates whether the logger is active.

IDL Property IsTraceEnabled

Read-only property that indicates whether trace logging is active.

Read/Write Properties
IDL Property LogID

The LogID. (Default Property)

IDL Property Project

The active project name.

IDL Property SessionID

The Session ID.

IDL Property UserID

The active user name.

Interface ID

The ID of the IAppLog interface is AA0F2A71-C887-4C54-887C-1F8E5E1BEA4B.