MDM Object Model Reference |
LanguageConstants |
Enum LanguageConstants
langILANGUAGE = &H0001
langSLANGUAGE = &H0002
langICOUNTRY = &H0005
langSCOUNTRY = &H0006
langSENGCOUNTRY = &H1002
langSISO639LANGNAME = &H0059
langSISO3166CTRYNAME = &H005A
End Enum
Used as optional parameters of the Item property of the LanguageDefinitions object.
langICOUNTRY | Country code. |
langIDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE | Default ANSI code page. |
langIDEFAULTCODEPAGE | Default OEM code page. |
langIDEFAULTCOUNTRY | Default country code. |
langIDEFAULTLANGUAGE | Default language ID. |
langILANGUAGE | 4-HexDigit code that uniquely identifies the language and country where it is spoken. |
langSABBREVCTRYNAME | Abbreviated three-letter country name. For example, CAN = Canada. |
langSABBREVLANGNAME | Abbreviated name that identifies a language and the country where it is spoken. For example ENG = British English, or ESM = Mexican Spanish. This corresponds to the three-character code used for ILanguage.Name. |
langSCOUNTRY | Localized name of country. |
langSENGCOUNTRY | English name of country. |
langSENGLANGUAGE | Generic English name of language, without reference to the country where it is spoken. For example, English, or Spanish. |
langSISO3166CTRYNAME | Abbreviated country name indicating the place where a particular language is spoken. For example, US = United States or AT = Austria. |
langSISO639LANGNAME | Abbreviated language name that identifies a language. For example, en = English, it = Italian. |
langSLANGUAGE | Localized name of the language and the country where it is spoken. For example, English (Ireland). or Spanish (Dominican Republic). This corresponds to the long name used for ILanguage.LongName. |
langSNATIVECTRYNAME | Native name of country. |
langSNATIVELANGNAME | Language name used by speakers of that language. |
See Also