Data Management Object Model Reference

SPSSMR.Data Namespace

Namespace hierarchy


Class Description
ConnectionString Class that represents an OLEDB connection string.
DataSource Summary description for Class1.
DataSourceResourceManager Inherits from ResourceManager and overrides GetString. Catches a MissingManifestResource exception and throws a new exception including the name of the string that is to be fetched
ExpresssionHelper ExpressionHelper
MetaDataUtil Summary description for MetaDataUtil.
RemappingColumn Rename mapping column class
RemappingField Parser field class
RemappingTable Rename mapping table class
SQLParser ISQLParser implementation class
SQLStatementUtil Summary description for SQLStatementUtil


Interface Description
IDataSource Summary description for IDataSource.
IDataSource2 Summary description for IDataSource2.
ISQLParser ISQLParser interface


Enumeration Description
ExpressionType Table type enum
JoinTypes The join types
ProviderSubTypes Transformation provider type
RemappingField.FieldType Field type enum
TransformationContents Enumerates possible contents of the transformation we are performing.
TransformationProviders Transformation provider type
TransformationTypes The type of transformation we are performing ADDNEW allways goes to another datasource than the input UPDATE allways works diretly on the input
VariableOutputOrders The order of the the output variables