Mobile SDK > Disconnected mobile application reference > SurveyQuestionXMLMDSC reference > SurveyQuestionXMLMDSC examples > Normal case example
Normal case example
Other questions that are locally defined (normal case)
When a category is specified as an Other category, the other questions can be defined locally, as part of the question where the category is defined, or they can refer to another question. This example shows a question that is defined locally.
Metadata script
Q1 "q1" categorical
    e1 "e1",
    e2 "e2",
    eOther "eOther" other
<Question QuestionFullName="Q1" QuestionDataType="Categorical">
  <Category Name="e1" Value="35">...</Category>
  <Category Name="e2" Value="36">...</Category>
  <Category Name="eOther" Value="37" Type="Category" IsOther="True">
    <Question QuestionName="eOther" QuestionFullName="Q1.eOther"
See also
SurveyQuestionXMLMDSC examples