Interviewer - Server Admin > User administration > User reports
User reports
Users properties report
The User Properties Report displays user properties (as columns) grouped into Interviewer Qualifications and other properties (such as Location), for each interviewer (as rows). The User Properties Report is simply a listing of all user properties for the specified filtering role (and the role’s users).
To run the user properties report
1 In the left tree, select the appropriate customer account. If you are not using customer accounts, select the System account.
2 Select User Properties from the Reports menu. This opens the Select Role for Report dialog box.
3 Select the appropriate role for the report and click Create Report.
The User Properties Report is generated based on the selected role.
User roles report
The User Roles Report displays roles (as columns), for each user (as rows). The user members of the role shown in the report are limited to those whom the Supervisor or UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin User has access.
To run the User Roles Report
1 In the left tree, select the appropriate customer account. If you are not using customer accounts, select the System account.
2 Select User Roles from the Reports menu. This opens the Select Roles for User Roles Report dialog box.
3 Select one or more roles for the report and click Create Report.
The User Roles Report is generated based on the selected roles.