Scripting > mrPrePro preprocessor > mrPrePro options
mrPrePro options
Command line options
-h [ --help ]
Print out a list of all these options.
-v [ --version ]
Print the version number.
-c [ --copyright ]
Print out a copyright statement.
--config-file filepath
Specify a config file (alternatively: @filepath).
Options allowed in a config file
-o [ --output ] path
Specify a file to use for output instead of stdout.
-I [ --include ] path
Specify an additional include directory.
-S [ --sysinclude ] syspath
Specify an additional system include directory.
-F [ --forceinclude ] file
Force inclusion of the given file.
-D [ --define ] macro[=[value]]
Specify a macro to define.
-P [ --predefine ] macro[=[value]]
Specify a macro to predefine.
-U [ --undefine ] macro
Specify a macro to undefine.
-n [ --nesting ] depth
Specify a new maximal include nesting depth.
-y [ --concatstr ]
Concatenate string literals in preprocessed output.
-x [ --basedir ]
Show current directory for the top level.
Note If the #include directive is set for the user and/or system, and the working directory is also used, the parameters for the -I and -S options in the configuration file should be similar to the following:
Extended options
These options can be defined on the command line or in a config file.
-z [ --comments ]
Include comments in preprocessed output.
-t [ --traceto ] path
Output trace info to a file [path] or to stderr [-].
Enable certain C99 extensions in C++ mode.
Enable C99 mode (implies --variadics).
Enable C++0x support (implies --variadics).
Running mrPrePro
mrPrePro preprocessor