Scripting > mrScriptBasic overview > mrScriptBasic object reference
mrScriptBasic object reference
Intrinsic objects
mrScriptBasic provides the following intrinsic objects:
The Err object is used to retrieve information about run-time errors. See IErrObject in the MDM Object Model Reference.
The Debug object is used for debugging scripts written in mrScriptBasic. See DebugObject in the MDM Object Model Reference.
Because these objects are intrinsic you can use them without first creating an instance of them.
Third party objects
This section briefly describes common third party objects that can be used in mrScriptBasic scripts.
Microsoft scripting objects
The Dictionary object can be used to store and retrieve key and item pairs of data. See Dictionary object in the MDM Object Model Reference.
The FileSystemObject object provides access to files and folders. See FileSystemObject in the MDM Object Model Reference.
See also
mrScriptBasic overview