Scripting > mrScriptMetadata User's Guide > mrScriptMetadata reference > Field definitions > Info
The Info type defines an information item, which is a special type of “question” that does not require an answer and that is used to display information to the respondent. Because the Info type does not require an answer, it has an implied nocasedata setting.
An information item is a good approach to displaying text to the respondent because it can be localized easily using tools such as Translation Utility.
For clarity, each item is shown on a separate line, and optional items are indented, See also Syntax conventions.
field_name [ "field_label" ]
  [ [ <properties> ] ]
  [ <styles and templates> ]
  [ info ]
field_name, field_label
See Names and labels for more information.
You can define custom properties for your field to store information that is not directly supported by the Metadata Model (MDM). See Custom properties for more information.
<styles and templates>
You can use styles and templates to define the appearance of a question. See Styles and templates for more information.
The info keyword is optional, because a field is automatically considered to be an Info field if it doesn't have a type keyword or any categories or fields. However, including the info keyword generally makes your script easier to read and understand.
For more information about writing Info questions in interview scripts, see Defining information texts.
The following declaration defines an information item that can be used to display the title of the survey:
Title "Museum of the Living World Visitor Survey" info;
Field definitions