Scripting > mrScriptMetadata User's Guide > mrScriptMetadata reference > Styles and templates > Cell style properties
Cell style properties
These properties are children of the Cell property.
Data type: String
Valid values: See Color values.
The background color of the control or label.
Data type: String
Valid values: See Color values.
The color of the bottom border of the control or label.
Data type: Enumeration
Valid values: Double, Grove, Inset, None, Outset, Ridge, or Solid.
The style of the bottom border of the control or label. See Border styles for an example of each style.
Data type: Integer
Valid values: A positive integer.
The width in pixels of the bottom border of the control or label.
Data type: String
Valid values: See Color values.
The color of the border of the control or label.
Data type: String
Valid values: See Color values.
The color of the left border of the control or label.
Data type: Enumeration
Valid values: Double, Grove, Inset, None, Outset, Ridge, or Solid.
The style of the left border of the control or label. See Border styles for an example of each style.
Data type: Integer
Valid values: A positive integer.
The width in pixels of the left border of the control or label.
Data type: String
Valid values: See Color values.
The color of the right border of the control or label.
Data type: Enumeration
Valid values: Double, Grove, Inset, None, Outset, Ridge, or Solid.
The style of the right border of the control or label. See Border styles for an example of each style.
Data type: Integer
Valid values: A positive integer.
The width in pixels of the right border of the control or label.
Data type: Enumeration
Valid values: Double, Grove, Inset, None, Outset, Ridge, or Solid.
The style of the border of the control or label. This is the default property for the Cell object. See Border styles for an example of each style.
Data type: String
Valid values: See Color values.
The color of the top border of the control or label.
Data type: Enumeration
Valid values: Double, Grove, Inset, None, Outset, Ridge, or Solid.
The style of the top border of the control or label. See Border styles for an example of each style.
Data type: Integer
Valid values: A positive integer.
The width in pixels of the top border of the control or label.
Data type: Integer
Valid values: A positive integer.
The width in pixels of the border of the control or label.
Data type: Integer
Valid values: A positive integer.
The number of columns to use in the parent grid when displaying the control.
Data type: String
Valid values: See Units of length.
The vertical size of the control or label. If no units are specified, pixels (“px”) will be used.
Data type: Integer
Valid values: A positive integer.
The distance in pixels between the contents and the border of the control or label.
Data type: Integer
Valid values: A positive integer.
The distance in pixels between the contents and the bottom border of the control or label.
Data type: Integer
Valid values: A positive integer.
The distance in pixels between the contents and the left border of the control or label.
Data type: Integer
Valid values: A positive integer.
Defines the distance (in pixels) between the contents and the right border of the control or label.
Data type: Integer
Valid values: A positive integer.
The distance in pixels between the contents and the top border of the control or label.
Data type: Integer
Valid values: A positive integer or zero.
The number of rows in a grid control that will be used to display the heading. To make the heading appear at the bottom of the grid, set this property to zero.
Data type: Integer
Valid values: A positive integer.
The number of rows to use in the parent grid when displaying the control.
Data type: String
Valid values: See Units of length.
The horizontal size of the control or label. If no units are specified, pixels (“px”) will be used.
Data type: Boolean
Valid values: True or False.
Whether child controls within the parent control should automatically appear on the next line when the parent control is not wide enough to show them all on one line.
The following example shows how cell style properties should be defined in mrScriptMetadata:
Q2 "Rating" Style ( Cell ( BorderColor = "Blue", BorderStyle = Double ) ) categorical [1] {High, Medium, Low};
Because BorderStyle is the default child property, it can also be defined using a shortened form as shown below. However, if you define BorderStyle in this way, you cannot define any other cell style properties:
Q2 "Rating" Style ( Cell = Double ) categorical [1] {High, Medium, Low};
Styles and templates