Scripting > mrScriptMetadata User's Guide > mrScriptMetadata reference > Contexts and label types
Contexts and label types
User contexts
User contexts define different usages for the metadata, so that different texts and custom properties can be used depending on how the metadata is being used. For example, the Question user context is typically used to define the default texts to be used when interviewing, and the Analysis user context is typically used to define shorter texts for use when analyzing the response data.
Created automatically when you create an interview script (.mdd) file. Used by UNICOM Intelligence Reporter and other analysis and publishing products.
Created automatically when you create an interview script (.mdd) file. Used by UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer and other data collection products.
Created by the Build activity in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin. Used by the Quancept MDSC.
Created by the Build activity in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin and by UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper. Used by UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper.
Created by the Build activity in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin and when you save a interview script (.mdd) file in Metadata Model to Quantum. Used by the Quantum DSC and some authoring tools.
Translation Utility
Created and used by Translation Utility for character formatting information.
Created and used by the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC.
Created and used by the SPSS Statistics SAV DSC.
UNICOM Intelligence Professional
Created when you save an interview script (.mdd) file in UNICOM Intelligence Professional. Used to define the visibility of other contexts in the UNICOM Intelligence Professional editor.
Routing contexts
Routing contexts define different interviewing environments, such as Paper, Web, CATI.
Used for Web interviewing routing.
Used for telephone interviewing routing.
Used for UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper routing.
Used for Quancept routing.
Proposed name for mobile interviewing routing.
Proposed name for PAPI interviewing routing.
Label types
Label types enable different types of labels to be created for different types of information. For example, the default label type of Label is used for question and category texts and variable descriptions, and the Instruction label type is used for interviewer instructions.
Used for the main question and category labels. Typically these are the question and category texts and variable descriptions.
Used for interview instructions. These are typically used only on questions and are currently used only by UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper and Translation Utility.
Used to hold a question short name (typically the question number) and currently used only by UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper and Translation Utility.
See also
Field definitions
mrScriptMetadata reference