Professional > Activating questionnaires > Activation templates > Activate Current Project - Telephone settings > Telephone - Dialing settings > Dialing - Predictive
Dialing - Predictive
The Predictive settings allow you to configure the predictive autodialing parameters. When using predictive dialing, the autodialer dials participants before interviewers are available to answer the connected calls. That is, the software predicts when interviewers will become available. This mode can deliver the highest interviewer productivity, but may result in silent calls.
The predictive settings are only valid when the Dialer (Group/Predictive) - Show Start Dialing button on the Interviewer screen option is selected as the Dialing option in the Interviewer settings (see Interviewing - Interviewer.
Note The Dialing options are only available when a dialer is installed on the server.
Initial dialing aggressiveness
The initial “aggressiveness” of the autodialing system when it calculates the number of predictive calls to make. A higher aggressiveness setting can lead to less wait time for interviewers, but might result in more silent calls. Enter a whole number between 0 and 100. The default value is 0.
To stop the autodialing system from dialing predictively, set Initial dialing aggressiveness to 0. In this mode, the autodialer dials participants only when interviewers click the Start Dialing button in the Phone Participants activity, which is unlikely to result in silent calls.
Maximum percentage of silent calls
The maximum percentage of silent calls that are allowed to occur in the 24 hour period (since midnight). If the actual rate of silent calls approaches this value, the autodialing system reduces the current rate of predictive calls to ensure that the maximum percentage of silent calls is not exceeded. Enter a decimal value between 0 and 100. The default value is 0.
Target percentage of silent calls
The target percentage of silent calls that should occur at any time. The autodialing system attempts to keep the actual rate of silent calls at this value by continually adjusting the current rate of predictive calls. Enter a decimal value between 0 and 100. The value must be less than the value of Maximum percentage of silent calls. The default value is 0.
See also
Telephone - Dialing settings