Professional > Data management scripting > Data Management overview > Data Management infrastructure
Data Management infrastructure
You define your data management tasks using a DataManagementScript (DMS) file. The DMS file is a text file with a .dms filename extension. It is easy to read and edit a DMS file that defines simple data management tasks, such as copying data from one location to another, even if you have little or no programming experience. If you are an advanced user and have some programming or scripting expertise, the DMS file makes it possible to define complex and advanced data management tasks.
The DMS file does not use a new language, instead it acts as a container for some industry-standard languages:
Property definitions
The DMS file uses a simple INI file-like syntax to initialize property settings.
SQL syntax
Used in the DMS file for queries and other operations that are implemented by the OLE DB provider. The SQL syntax that you can use depends upon which OLE DB provider you are using. For example, when you are using the UNICOM Intelligence OLE DB Provider you can use any SQL syntax that is supported by the UNICOM Intelligence Data Model, provided that it is also supported by the DSC through which you are accessing the data. For more information, see SQL syntax.
Used in the DMS file to define new variables in the metadata. mrScriptMetadata is a proprietary syntax that provides a fast and easy way of creating metadata using a script. For more information, see mrScriptMetadata User's Guide.
Used in the DMS file for defining procedural code for cleaning data, setting up weighting, etc. mrScriptBasic is based on Visual Basic and Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript), and if you know these languages, you will find mrScriptBasic easy to learn. However, unlike Visual Basic and VBScript, mrScriptBasic provides native support for market research data types and expression evaluation. For more information, see mrScriptBasic overview.
Additional components
In addition, UNICOM Intelligence Professional includes the following:
UNICOM Intelligence Professional IDE
Integral to UNICOM Intelligence Professional is an integrated development environment (IDE) that enables you to create, edit, run, and debug UNICOM Intelligence scripts. For more information, see Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional.
DMS Runner
A command line tool for running a DMS file. For more information, see DMS Runner.
Data Management Object Model (DMOM)
A set of component objects that are designed specifically to facilitate data transformations. These objects are generally called from mrScriptBasic in the DMS file. For more information, see DMOM scripting reference.
Weight component
A set of component objects for creating rim, factor, and target weighting. Like the DMOM objects, the weight objects are generally called from mrScriptBasic in the DMS file. For more information, see Working with the Weight component.
Table Object Model (TOM)
A set of component objects for creating market research tables. TOM is available only if you have purchased the UNICOM Intelligence Professional Tables Option. For more information, see Table scripting.
The UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library comes with numerous sample DMS files that you can use as templates. For more information, see Using the sample DMS files.
See also
Data Management overview