Professional > Data management scripting > Transferring data using a DMS file > Reading data > Reading metadata > Using a proprietary metadata source
Using a proprietary metadata source
You specify a proprietary metadata source in the connection string in the InputDataSource section as follows:
If you are setting up the connection string using the Data Link Properties dialog box, select the Connection tab and from the Metadata Type list, select the type of metadata. (All of the metadata types for which a read-enabled MDSC is available will be listed.) Then enter the Metadata Location, either by typing the name and location of the file or database into the text box, or by clicking Browse and selecting it in the Open dialog box.
If you are setting up the connection string manually, set the Initial Catalog connection property to the name and location of the file or database and the MR Init MDSC connection property to the name of the MDSC you are using to read the metadata:
InputDatasource(myInputDataSource, "My input data source")
  ConnectionString = "Provider=mrOleDB.Provider.2; _
    Data Source=<Name of CDSC>; _
    Location=<Name and location of case data>; _
    Initial Catalog=<Name and location of metadata file or _
; _
    MR Init MDSC=<Name of MDSC>"
End InputDatasource
When you read from a proprietary data source, it is sometimes useful to create a Metadata Document (.mdd) file. For more information, see Creating an .mdd file from proprietary metadata.
See also
Reading metadata