Professional > Data management scripting > Publishing data > Cognos Framework Manager models > Modelling in the Physical View layer
Modelling in the Physical View layer
For each Fact table, relationships are created based on a star schema, in which the Fact view is in the center, surrounded by dimension views. The general rules are:
Relationships are built between the Fact and Dimensions views (including the multiple view) at the same level with cardinality (Fact to Dimensions: 0..1 to 1..1).
Relationships are built between the Fact view and Dimensions views (including the multiple view) at the upper level with cardinality (Fact to Upper Dimensions: 0..N to 1..1).
Relationships are built between the Dimensions and the table for multiple categoricals at the same level with cardinality (Dimensions to multiple Dimensions: 1..1 to 0..1) in order to build one Dimension Query subject in the PresentationView, including all dimension variables (single value dimensions and multiple dimensions).
Person.Fact view
The following diagram illustrates a build for the Person.Fact view:
See also
Cognos Framework Manager models