Professional > Data management scripting > Analyzing a tracking study > Sample scripts used
Sample scripts used
The following scripts are used in the analysis process:
Creates a metadata document (.mdd) file that is used as the metadata source for the IBM SPSS Statistics (.sav) file that was exported by IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys or another coding tool.
Creates the Report database and transfers the data from the Wave database to the Report database. Run this script after the first wave only. For subsequent waves, use TrackingStudy-UpdateReportDB.dms.
Merges the coded data from IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys or another coding tool with the original (live) UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server data and outputs the data to the Wave database. Also adds weights to the data.
Transfers the original (live) UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server data to the Wave database and adds weights to the data. Run this script instead of TrackingStudy-CreateWaveDB.dms if your tracking study doesn't require any coding of open-ended responses.
Merges several IBM SPSS Statistics (.sav) files into a single .sav file. This script is required if there is more than one coder working on the survey and each coder has exported a separate .sav file from IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys or another coding tool.
Contains settings, such as the current wave number, that are used by the other scripts in the process.
Adds the data on the Wave database to the Report database.
Weights the data for the whole survey. Run when the data collection phase of the survey has finished.
Note By default, these scripts are installed in this folder:
[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\DDL\Scripts\Data Management\DMS
See also
Analyzing a tracking study