Paper > Getting started > Getting the most out of Word > Word features to avoid when using UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper
Word features to avoid when using UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper
Undo and Redo
Word interprets many of the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper commands as a series of individual actions, so using the Undo or Redo commands in Word after using UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper commands may give you unexpected results. For example, if you apply a Look in error and then click Undo, Word will undo only part of the Look applied to the question, resulting in lost information. However, you can change the application of a Look simply by applying another Look. Do not use Undo or Redo immediately after loading the questionnaire definition, updating a document, or opening, applying, or saving Looks and compound Looks.
The Word AutoFormat feature is not compatible with the formatting features provided by UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper and is likely to give you unexpected results.
Page layout tables
You cannot use tables to create the page layout for UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper documents and templates. If you try to load a questionnaire definition into a document in which the page layout was created by using a table, the questionnaire definition does not load correctly. However, you can usually create a similar effect using other Word features, such as a combination of headers, footers, and columns.
See also
Word features of which to be aware
General tips for using Word with UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper
Getting the most out of Word
Working in Word tables
Getting the most out of Word