Paper > Getting started > Sample questionnaires
Sample questionnaires
Most of the examples in this documentation are based on a study of visitors to a museum. It contains examples of all of the different questionnaire item types. The questionnaire definition files are:
A shorter example is also provided. This is called short_drinks.mdd and is based on a study about soft drinks.
When you are learning to use UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper, you can load the example questionnaire definitions and practice using the features of UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper to format a paper questionnaire.
The sample questionnaire definition files are in the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper Samples folder.
See also
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper’s place within the workflow
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper and Paper/Scan Add‑on
Analyzing the responses in Quantum
Formatting the Museum example
Getting started