Professional > Interview scripting > Writing interview scripts > Sorting categorical response lists > Displaying responses in rotation
Displaying responses in rotation
When you display responses in rotation, each response takes a turn at being the first response in the list. Once a response has reached the top of the list, it moves to the end of the list the next time the list is displayed. Apart from this, the relative order of responses in the list remains unchanged.
In the metadata section
To present responses in rotation, type:
Qname "Text" categorical [NumResps]
} rot;
rot is an abbreviation of rotation which you can use if you prefer.
For example, if the question is defined as:
MainIssue "In your opinion, what is the single most critical
    issue facing the Internet?" categorical [1..1]
FindingThings "Finding things/navigating around",
Speed "Speed/bandwidth",
Regulation "Government regulation",
EqualAccess "Equal access for all",
InternetCrime "Internet crime (e.g. hate crimes, stalking)",
Paying "Paying for online services or information",
} rot;
The first time the question is asked, the last response in the list may be displayed first, followed by all other responses in the list in the order in which they appear in that list:
Finding things/navigating around
Government regulation
Equal access for all
Internet crime (e.g. hate crimes, stalking)
Paying for online services or information
The second time the question is asked, responses are presented in the same order except that the last two response in the original list is first, with the other responses in their original order:
  other Responses as shown above
Paying for online services or information
The third time, the response list looks like this:
Paying for online services or information
Finding things/navigating around
Government regulation
Equal access for all
Internet crime (e.g. hate crimes, stalking)
Once a rotation pattern has been set for a question in a particular interview it does not change, regardless of how many times the question is asked. If the respondent snaps back to the question, the responses will appear in the same order as when the respondent first saw the question. A new rotation pattern is set for that question only when the next interview starts.
The rotation pattern is based on the number of responses in a response list, so if there are several questions with rotated response lists and they all have the same number of responses, the rotation sequence for all of those lists will be the same. The interviewing program does not recalculate the rotation pattern for each question. If your script contains two response lists of four responses and two response lists of five responses, the two response lists with four responses will both use one rotation pattern while the two response lists containing five responses will both use another rotation pattern.
The interviewing program generates the rotation patterns for a script when the first interview runs, and the rotation patterns for subsequent interviews run on from there. For example, if the rotation pattern for a question in the first interview is 4, 1, 2, 3, the rotation pattern for that question in the second interview will be 1, 2, 3, 4, and in the third interview it will be 2, 3, 4, 1. This applies whether or not the interviews run concurrently. Rotation patterns are based on what is known as a seed value which, for rotation, is calculated as:
Number of characters in project name + interview serial number + 7
In the routing section
To rotate responses using a statement in the routing section, type:
Qname.Categories.Order = OrderConstants.oRotate
If you specify ordering for a question in both the metadata and the routing section, the routing specification overrides the metadata specification.
For further information about defining order in the routing section, see Controlling response order from the routing section.
Rotation does not apply to responses that have a fixed position in the response list. For more information, see Responses with fixed positions in the response list.
See also
Sorting categorical response lists